- VII: To provide comprehensive academic, student development and auxiliary support services so that each student has the opportunity to perform at his/her highest level.
- 2: To refine and expand the services provided by the Student Success Center.
- VII: To provide comprehensive academic, student development and auxiliary support services so that each student has the opportunity to perform at his/her highest level.
- 3: To assess the effectiveness of Academic Advising.
- Standard 9: Student Support Services
- a: The college needs to finalize plans for advisement and counseling. In the
process, input from the various affected constituencies should be sought
and the plans should be implemented. A mechanism for assessing the
effectiveness of the impending advising system should be included in the
- Standard 9: Student Support Services
- b: The college should re-evaluate the structure of the student development
area to ensure resources are being allocated to best meet the needs of all
learners, that functions of the various areas are clear, and that all
constituents are able to participate in planning for student services.
- Standard13: Related Educational Activities
- a: Developmental student learning is very important for the success of under-prepared students. As the college does not utilize consistent, student-specific data on the progress of these students, appropriate resources should be made available to assist the Developmental Education Program in tracking the progress of students and assessing their success after completion of developmental courses. Adequate software, and qualified and sufficient staffing to effectively and efficiently utilize it, should be available to gather important data about the progress of students.
- V: Student Support
- b: Create a selective Ambassador program that provides free tuition and leadership development for students
- V: Student Support
- c: Enhance retention efforts through collaboration between Academic Affairs and Student Development in areas such as academic advising and development and administration of specialized programs for at-risk students
- V: Student Support
- f: Balance meeting the needs of diverse students including those designated in the Honors program and those placed into developmental courses
- V: Student Support
- g: Create a one-stop center that addresses student needs more fully