Create appropriate Honors Facility

Initiative TitleCreate appropriate Honors Facility
Submitted in Previous Year(s)2013
Critical Information, Notes, Justification, Rationale

The current space in the basement of Morrison is insufficient for the needs of the program and students. Currently, the Honors lounge is overcrowded when 20 students are in it, and the noise level is excessive. Five computers in a closet are not sufficient for student study needs. We are out of classroom space. There are insufficient outlets and lighting in the lounge, computer room, and classroom. Additionally, the space is damp and continually has issues with safety, flooding, mold, air quality and temperature. Discussion had centered around refurbishing the Carriage House first floor, which would be appropriate, but only if that space is academic--not recruiting focused. Needs: larger lounge, larger computer lab, library, additional seminar / class room, office spaces for coordinator, support staff, and faculty advisors. Costs are impossible to calculate at this point until we know if this will be new or refurbished space, how much, etc.

The honors coordinator / chair of IDS shares an office space with a part-time clerical person and work study students.  This is neither appropriate nor conducive to private conversations.  We need a private office for the coordinator, plus space for clerical and work study/recruiting and space for additional faculty as they are added.

Recruits and their parents are not impressed with current facilities and, in fact, some are disenchanted by them.  

Consequences of this initiative not being funded

Safety issues: 1) potential health issues with flooding, mold, etc. 2) Space is not safe as there is only one exit.

Recruiting will continue to be difficult as neither parents nor students are impressed with what they see.  A dank basement with outdated equipment and shabby furniture is not impressive.

We do not have appropriate space for current numbers of students and staff, and no ability to increase numbers or course offerings.

Some current student do not come to the lounge as it is too small, loud, and unattractive.

As the coordinator does not have an office, privacy and advising issues arise.

Department GoalsImplement an infrastructure & personnel plan based on the previously-done program assessment , Improve student retention within courses, from semester to semester, and from year to year , Improve and increase recruitment of students, including non-traditionals, Spread the load of student advising as a means of improvement
LocationsMain Campus
Estimated Completion Date
Will this initiative span multiple budget years?No
Funding SourceCapital Budget
Created11/29/2017 10:55 pm
Updated11/30/2017 8:38 pm

Institutional Goals

Goal How will the initiative support this institutional goal?
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development. 3)Additionally, the coordinator, clerical person and work study students share an office, which is not conducive to effective advising, privacy or confidentiality. 4) It is not safe space either--with limited access and potential health risks.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development. 3)Additionally, the coordinator, clerical person and work study students share an office, which is not conducive to effective advising, privacy or confidentiality. 4) It is not safe space either--with limited access and potential health risks.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development. 3)Additionally, the coordinator, clerical person and work study students share an office, which is not conducive to effective advising, privacy or confidentiality. 4) It is not safe space either--with limited access and potential health risks.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development. 3)Additionally, the coordinator, clerical person and work study students share an office, which is not conducive to effective advising, privacy or confidentiality. 4) It is not safe space either--with limited access and potential health risks.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development. 3)Additionally, the coordinator, clerical person and work study students share an office, which is not conducive to effective advising, privacy or confidentiality. 4) It is not safe space either--with limited access and potential health risks.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development. 3)Additionally, the coordinator, clerical person and work study students share an office, which is not conducive to effective advising, privacy or confidentiality. 4) It is not safe space either--with limited access and potential health risks.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development. 3)Additionally, the coordinator, clerical person and work study students share an office, which is not conducive to effective advising, privacy or confidentiality. 4) It is not safe space either--with limited access and potential health risks.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development. 3)Additionally, the coordinator, clerical person and work study students share an office, which is not conducive to effective advising, privacy or confidentiality. 4) It is not safe space either--with limited access and potential health risks.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development. 3)Additionally, the coordinator, clerical person and work study students share an office, which is not conducive to effective advising, privacy or confidentiality. 4) It is not safe space either--with limited access and potential health risks.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development. 3)Additionally, the coordinator, clerical person and work study students share an office, which is not conducive to effective advising, privacy or confidentiality. 4) It is not safe space either--with limited access and potential health risks.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development. 3)Additionally, the coordinator, clerical person and work study students share an office, which is not conducive to effective advising, privacy or confidentiality. 4) It is not safe space either--with limited access and potential health risks.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development. 3)Additionally, the coordinator, clerical person and work study students share an office, which is not conducive to effective advising, privacy or confidentiality. 4) It is not safe space either--with limited access and potential health risks.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development. 3)Additionally, the coordinator, clerical person and work study students share an office, which is not conducive to effective advising, privacy or confidentiality. 4) It is not safe space either--with limited access and potential health risks.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development. 3)Additionally, the coordinator, clerical person and work study students share an office, which is not conducive to effective advising, privacy or confidentiality. 4) It is not safe space either--with limited access and potential health risks.

Action Steps

Action Step Responsible Party Order
Locate more appropriate space and move program to it Honors Advisory Board and Cabinet? / Facilities 1
Purchase movable classroom furniture Honors Advisory Board / Coordinator / Purchasing 2
Update furniture in lounge and study areas Honors Coordinator / Purchasing 3
Expand and update tech equipment and establish a replacement plan Honors Program Coordinator / IT / 4
Improve current facilties Maintance / Facilities/Honors Advisory Board 5

Expected Outcomes

Outcome Order
Higher recruiting numbers 1
Increased retention 2
Improved student and faculty morale 3
Improved faciltites 4

Assessment Methods

Method Description Other Method Responsible Party
Student Surveys: Satisfaction Need Surveys can be developed internally and administered to assess student frequency, importance, need and satisfaction institution’s staff, office and services and programming. Honors Advisory Board: Student members and coordinator




Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
16 laptops and cart for classroom $18000.00
  • Administration and Finance, VP Office
  • Information Technology, CIO Office
  • Information Services & Network Infrastructure
Computers, wiring, etc for expanson $8000.00
  • Information Technology, CIO Office
  • Information Services & Network Infrastructure
Lounge / study area updating $5000.00
  • Administration and Finance, VP Office
  • Facilities
TOTAL: $31,000.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
Find and create appropriate space $0.00
  • Academic Affairs and Student Services, Provost, VP Office
  • Administration and Finance, VP Office
  • Facilities
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


This is initiative is ready for prioritization.


DateDepartment NameStatusCost to DateFunding Source 
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