Hire a full time replacement BSW

Initiative TitleHire a full time replacement BSW
Submitted in Previous Year(s)2019
Critical Information, Notes, Justification, Rationale

The department is tasked with not only with their regular cleaning duties but, with disinfecting as many surfaces as possible, a time consuming exercise. The department often does major set-ups and breakdowns. The shortage of man-power effects this work, especially with the increased number of square feet the department is charged with cleaning on a nightly basis.

Consequences of this initiative not being funded

The consequences of this position not being filled are: reduced cleaning due to the others acting as a covering custodian, work orders not being completed in a timely fashion, overtime dollars spent in order to meet cleaning demands and, potential damage to college's reputation when the school is not adequately cleaned.

Department GoalsMake the custodial department a more proficient department by increasing head county by one full time employee
LocationsMain Campus
Estimated Completion Date
Will this initiative span multiple budget years?Yes
Funding SourceRequest for Prioritization
Created12/06/2019 1:34 pm
Updated12/09/2019 11:38 am

Institutional Goals

Goal How will the initiative support this institutional goal?
Provide a cleaner, healthier, safer and better maintained college campus.

Action Steps

Action Step Responsible Party Order
Submit appropriate justification forms to replace and add personnel. Facilities Manager 1

Expected Outcomes

Outcome Order
The facility will be properly maintained and cleaned. 1

Assessment Methods

Method Description Other Method Responsible Party
Observations Information can be collected while observing “events” (including, sponsored activities, student {office staff} sessions, etc.) in the natural setting. Observation can provide information on student behaviors and attitudes. Facilities Manager


RECURRING COST: $45,355.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
One full time replacement BSW $45355.00 / 45355.00
  • Custodial and Grounds
TOTAL: $0.00 / $45,355.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


This is initiative is ready for prioritization.


DateDepartment NameStatusCost to DateFunding Source 
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