If we cannot provide faculty coordinators, create a dedicated honors advisor (in conjunction with Advising and Counseling)

Initiative TitleIf we cannot provide faculty coordinators, create a dedicated honors advisor (in conjunction with Advising and Counseling)
Submitted in Previous Year(s)No
Critical Information, Notes, Justification, Rationale

Should we create faculty coordinators (one for each campus), one of their responsibilities would be to assist with academic advising of honors students. If one or both of those positions is not created, this proposed position is another possible means by which to improve academic advising of honors programs students--while assisting the advising area of the College in general.  It will reduce the advising load on the current coordinator (who is the only person to advise approximately 90-100 students per year), provide more opportunities to interact meaningfully with students, improve recruiting efforts, and potentially improve retention.

Consequences of this initiative not being funded

Students will continue to have advising needs that may or may not be met.

Retention will continue to suffer.

Current coordinator will not be able to handle all advising needs.

Department GoalsImplement an infrastructure & personnel plan based on the previously-done program assessment , Improve student retention within courses, from semester to semester, and from year to year , Improve and increase recruitment of students, including non-traditionals, Spread the load of student advising as a means of improvement
LocationsMain Campus, Newburgh Campus
Estimated Completion Date
Will this initiative span multiple budget years?No
Funding SourceRequest for Prioritization
Created11/30/2017 12:39 am
Updated12/01/2017 1:16 pm

Institutional Goals

Goal How will the initiative support this institutional goal?

Action Steps

Action Step Responsible Party Order
Create job description Honors Coordinator and Director of Advising & Counseling 1
Search position HAB and Advising & Counseling 2
Hire and train person Honors Coordinator and Director of Advising & Counseling 3

Expected Outcomes

Outcome Order
Improved ability to advise students 1
Decreased stress on current coordinator 2
Improved retention of students 3
Improved access for students to get help with goal setting, planning, problem-solving, personal issues, transfer, etc. 4

Assessment Methods

Method Description Other Method Responsible Party
Institutional Data Review both program and student data that is collected at the institutional level. Data can include program enrollment, retention, transfer, student GPA, etc. Honors Coordinator and Director of Advising & Counseling




Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
Laptop and printer $2000.00
  • Honors Program
  • Academic Advising
Office equipment (desk, chair, cabinets, etc) $5000.00
TOTAL: $7,000.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
Office space $0.00
  • Honors Program
  • Academic Advising
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
Honors Advisor / Counselor $50000.00
  • Honors Program
  • Academic Advising
TOTAL: $50,000.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


This initiative is not ready for prioritization.

  • Please enter How the initiative will support the chosen goals
  • Please enter Supporting Departments for all Resources


DateDepartment NameStatusCost to DateFunding Source 
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