2016 - 2017 Business Math Science and Technology, AVP Office Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 06/02/2016 10:44 am by Anne Prial

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The AVP Office of the BMST Division always seeks to provide the best educational experiences for students in programs and registered tracks within the division, as well as to students who take courses in this division in support of their programs.  Specifically during the 2016-17 AY, we want to stay current with technology, increase online offerings, assess and use results to properly plan accelerated developmental Math offerings, and continue to seek grant money that will assist in supporting our goals.

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Increase online offerings
2 Have all five departments participate in assessment at the course, program, and institutional level, recording all results on Assessment Plans.
3 Build relationships with entities outside the college; specifically with Touro Medical School and the Orange County Citizens Foundation
4 Research the possibility of offering a Coding Camp
5 Bring Mathematics assessment into area high schools
6 Have one BMST social event
7 Create at least one certificate program in the division
8 Maintain high quality faculty and courses
9 Maintain safe, accessible, and sustainable facilities that support the learning environment
10 Have all 5 departments in BMST use the PIP system to enter goals


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.

Initiative Title Importance