2014 - 2015 Center for Student Involvement Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 03/03/2014 10:24 am by Steve Harpst

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-implement proposal for new assessment plan and share with club advisors

-continue to move processes and forms from paper to electronic versions including the Student Senate budget process and club recognition

-evaluate effectiveness of and create an assessment plan for I-Connect

-develop new resources and guidelines to assist club advisors in their roles including an online FAQ is being developed to answer to most common questions of both new and continuing advisors regarding responsibilities, resources and policies

-work to increase involvement in student elections through use of online voting

-I-Connect Assessment-more data will be collected this year, both on the program as a whole and for the individual program components


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.

Initiative Title Importance