A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.
Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.
# | Department Goal |
1 | 1. Implement any suggestions made by the NAACLS site visit team to improve and continue accreditation for the Medical Laboratory Technician Program and approval of the Phlebotomy Program. |
2 | 2. Continue to purchase modern laboratory equipment to support, update and improve the Medical Laboratory Technician and Phlebotomy programs. |
3 | 3. Modernize and renovate Clinical Laboratory Science Department laboratory spaces in accordance with the facilities master plan.. |
4 | 4. Create a plan in accordance with the Facilities Master Plan to renovate former electron microscopy suite so that these spaces can be better utilized as additional adjunct/faculty office space as well as a dedicated phlebotomy course laboratory. |
5 | 5. Discuss and create a plan with the Admissions Department to improve the Phlebotomy admissions process. |
6 | 6. Continue to investigate and create partnerships for possible clinical training sites for both the Medical Laboratory Technician and Phlebotomy programs. |
7 | 7. Investigate alternatives to formal clinical training education by incorporating simulation, learning modules and online enrichment activities. |
8 | 8. Work with the AVP for Health Professions to renovate the former Biology labs and to renovate the Central Preparation Area so that the needs of both areas are satified. |
9 | 9. Update the Clinical Laboratory Science Department webpages. |
10 | 10. Implement curriculum changes made as a result of seamless transfer initiative. |
Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.
Initiative Title | Importance |