A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.
Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.
# | Department Goal |
1 | Implement any suggestions made by the accreditation site visit team to improve the Medical Laboratory Technician and Phlebotomy programs. |
2 | Continue to purchase Medical laboratory equipment to support and update the Medical Laboratory Technician and Phlebotomy Programs. |
3 | Modernize Clinical Laboratory Science Department laboratory spaces in accordance with the facilities master plan. |
4 | Continue to investigate possible clinical sites for the Medical Laboratory Technician and Phlebotomy programs. |
5 | Investigate alternatives to formal clinical training sites such as simulation, learning modules and enrichment websites. |
6 | Continue to update the Clinical Laboratory Science webpage. |
7 | Create a plan in accordance with the facilities master plan to renovate BT-300-304 so that the space can be better utilized as additional adjunct /office space as well as a phlebotomy course laboratory. |
8 | Work with AVP to renovate former Biology labs and to renovate the Central Preparation Area to accommodate both the Clinical Laboratory Science Department needs and the needs of those using the renovated spaces. |
9 | Implement curriculum changes made as a result of seamless transfer. |
10 | Discuss Phlebotomy with the Admissions Department to improve the process. |
Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.
Initiative Title | Importance |