2025 - 2026 Facilities Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 12/02/2024 11:36 am by Corey Dawkins

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The mission of the SUNY Orange Facilities Department is to ensure that the College's buildings are  maintained and in proper condition for the safe and efficient operation of the Middletown and Newburgh Campuses. Department planning is guided by a Facilities Master Plan which dovetails with the College's overall Strategic Plan and the facilities related components of the Middles States Commission on Higher Education, the College's accrediting body.

In addition, Facilities supports the College's goal #6, To build and maintain safe, accessible and sustainable facilities that support the learning environment.

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Provide increased training and support to upgrade the skills of management and staff .
2 Update department equipment – vehicles, tools, technology, etc.
3 Continue to reevaluate existing positions to create new ones that better support the College.
4 Make Sustaibability a part of all projects and actions.


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.