2014 - 2015 Global Studies Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 05/21/2014 3:35 pm by Paul Basinski

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The general goal of Global Studies remains excellence in service to students, and more broadly our college community. The 28 full and part time faculty in our four areas of history, political science, economics and foreign languages-- along with our two support staff-- will achieve this through working toward increased enrollment and retention along with the Division of Liberal Arts, our AVP, CCHS, and Admissions. Our focus remains on internationalization of the curriculum, as well as serving students in our degree program.Through our Global Initiative programming, and International Studies degree, we will build awareness of the importance of enhancing global awareness and understanding. We will, furthermore, continue to build reliable measures to assess progress and achieve feedback in implementing our general plan through specific departmental goals.

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 To create a systematic method of departmental assessment which links SLOs, course evaluations, SUNY General Education assessment and overall program assessment to develop useful feedback for faculty, and reliable data for the college and SUNY.
2 Design internships for students in the areas we instruct that are credit-bearing and which provide our majors an opportunity to do work in the field which enhances their experience and job prospects.
3 Work with administration to plan our move to Hudson Hall insuring that our new departmental home and classrooms are as modern, efficient and relevant to departmental and student needs as possible.
4 During the next academic year, the Department will be engaged in the regular cycle of evaluation of its International Studies Degree. All FT faculty will be involved in the process, especially regarding review and evaluation of courses.


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.

Initiative Title Importance