2016 - 2017 Governance Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 02/25/2016 11:13 am by Michelle Tubbs

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Shared governance will assume new leadership (both President & VP) for the 16-17 academic year.  Preliminary goals and plans of Governance and Executive Committee the 2016-2017 academic year are:

- Continue to ensure that shared governance is functioning in a way that allows the constituencies at the College to participate in its decision-making processes.

- Have the necessary governance constituents (committees and/or individuals) contribute to the efforts necessary for the institution to:

     -  meet the goals of our Strategic Plan, Academic Master Plan and SUNY Excels.

     - address the the suggestions, recommendations and requirements resulting from our Middle States Self- Study.

-  Continue with the cycle of committee assessments, making any modifications necessary to the assessment tool & procedure used in the spring 2016.

- Analyze and begin to consider ways to improve functions and practices based on feedback from the shared governance survey administered in the Spring 2016.

-  Continue to work in conjunction with the CTL to develop governance leaders training and provide opportunities for faculty & staff to gain a better understanding of what shared governance is and its purpose.

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Review the responses and digest the feedback received from college community via the governance survey and use the information to identify changes that could be made to improve the funcitonality and practices of shared governance at SUNY Orange.
2 Continue to work collaboratively with the administration to identify work the governance committees can be doing to help support our Strategic Plan, AMP & SUNY Excels.
3 Continue with the newly developed Committee Chair Training prior to the start of the fall semester.
4 Complete the fourth round of committee self-assessment (this will be the first group of 5 committees 2nd time being assessed.).
5 Develop workshops and professional development opportunities to better inform college employees of what shared governance is and assist governance committee chairs and members to be more effective.


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.

Initiative Title Importance