2023 - 2024 Honors Program Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 12/01/2022 2:37 pm by Elaine Torda

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The HAB carefully considered the initiatives we wanted to focus on for this year and felt that the four we submitted last year remain vital to our needs and goals for 2023-2024.  Appropriate, dedicated space remains a top priority; while we have some make-do space in RSCE, it is not a permanent home and does not meet all of our needs. 

Scholarships remain a priority as we would like to see all of our students funded--whether fully or some at 50%.  This would enhance our ability to recruit -- especially targeting populations -- and retain students.  

Funding for experiential learning (conferences, etc.) also are vital to both students and faculty: without a guaranteed line and source, we never know if we have conference money much less how much.  That makes encouraging students and faculty to submit proposals a very risky business.

Finally, we need to staff up for the current needs of the program, including providing excellent service and support to students, and in the interests of succession planning.

We would like to feel that the program is something valued at the institution but that remains unclear.  Money is only part of that.  

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Acquire/secure appropriate dedicated space and facilities as part of the infrastructure and personnel plan based on program assessments
2 Provide annual funding (through normal budget lines) for students & faculty to participate in conferences and other experiential learning and community-building opportunities
3 Improve recruitment of quality and committed traditional, non-traditional, and under-represented student populations by offering more program-specific scholarships
4 Properly staff program per the infrastructure and personnel plan


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.