2016 - 2017 Liberal Arts, AVP Office Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 05/04/2016 9:41 am by Linda Williams

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The Liberal Arts Division has done an incredible job in AY 2015-2016 planning initiatives that will move our division forward. The focus of 2016-2017 will be implementing these initiatives and assessing their effectiveness. This will also be the first year many of our departments will have "transfer paths" that serve as a program for incoming students. Assessment continues to be a focus, as departments will assess additional program learning outcomes indicated on their curriculum maps. Additionally, a few programs within the division are up for a program review.

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Continue work on a certificate program for Human Services that will take students from workforce development, to a certificate program, to the AS in Human Services.
2 Finalize MOU with Alfred University for the Criminal Justice Program and begin marketing to current students.
3 Visit local police department to talk about Articulation agreement with Alfred University and course offerings on the Newburgh campus.
4 Install and incorporate Use of Force Simulator for Criminal Justice program and assess the equipment at the end of each semester.
5 Work with Education department to overhaul JRTEP program with New Paltz.
6 Assess WRT040- ENG101 pilot at the end of the Fall semester, and if it is successful, scale the pilot to include additional sections.
7 Utilize New Media students to create a marketing plan for Arts & Communication in order to have a more robust social media presence.
8 Coordinate a programmatic review of the AAS Music program and determine need for a recording studio.
9 Assess effectiveness of the current Honors program and determine if program should be scaled down or increased.
10 Each department will assess at least two program learning goals as indicated on its curriculum map.


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.

Initiative Title Importance