Wellness Center
Learning Outcomes
Students and Employees will learn about the new Wellness Center model, our programs, services, and resources, with particular emphasis on our streamlined process to access these offerings
Wellness Center marketing efforts will reach all areas of the college community
“Wellness Without Walls” website will continue to expand and include timely health and wellness information for both the public and our college community
Wellness Center Team will continue to enhance and improve physical and mental health collaboration efforts thereby sending a unified message to students and employees as well as improving the quality and delivery of services and programs
Programs offered by the Wellness Center will be diverse, will include community partnerships and will increase in number and effectiveness
With mental health counseling added as a function of the Wellness Center, this new model provided students with a clearer understanding of who they should contact if they were feeling distressed and were in need of counseling or support. This model also proved helpful to faculty who needed support when dealing with emotionally distressed students. Students requesting mental health counseling now receive services in the Wellness Center and are seen by either our Personal/Counselor/Academic Advisor or our Mental Health Liaison; during the fall and spring semesters, 204 mental health visits took place. Mental Health educational programs were added to the WC calendar, topics addressed included stress and anger management, healthy relationships, substance abuse, depression screening. Informational resources were made available throughout both campuses; self-serve kiosks were set up in heavy traffic areas which provided informational messaging, including opportunities for online trainings and screenings, particularly geared to reach the student who wishes to remain anonymous. Digital scrolling screens, Facebook and the Grapevine were frequently utilized to communicate healthy messages. Staff initiated classroom outreach by visiting and speaking to students about the many WC programs and services.
Our Suicide Prevention Grant and Program Coordinator are now part of our Wellness Center; this grant programs is not intended as a form of counseling or treatment; but is intended to offer hope through positive action. Educational and prevention activities included 6 campus awareness days, QPR-Question Persuade Refer gatekeeper trainings for Campus Security, Student Services Division employees, Criminal Justice students, Humanities students, Veterans Clubs. Pocket and hand-out cards with resource information have been designed and made available campus-wide, contact has been made with LBGTQ, Psychology and Veterans clubs to focus on prevention initiatives and updated prevention and resource information has been added to faculty and student handbooks.
Technology: Wellness Center website, “Wellness Without Walls” has greatly expanded with both physical and mental health information and links. We’ve also increased usage of social media to reach the entire college community with informational messaging about our programs. We received many positive comments about our messaging through the use of digital displays on both campuses. All WC Staff is now using Advisortrac, a software program modified for our WC; this has assisted us in measuring the numbers and types of services requested by and delivered to students.
Collaborations Enhance Educational Programs: Our Center continues to partner with community organizations in order to offer programs specific to college health issues including smoking cessation, alcohol toxicity, substance abuse, safe sex, stress, anxiety, depression, suicide prevention education, sexual assault prevention, eating disorders, access to health care, heart health, blood drives and bone marrow registries. Much effort has been centered around expanding these partnerships, both within the college as well as the outside community, to increase both the number and quality of our programs. For example, the Human Resources Department and the Wellness Center teamed up this year to offer a fun and supportive 12 week competitive weight loss program called the Biggest Loser Challenge. Participants chose their own weight loss system and exercise program. More than 20 employees signed up and received weekly information, guest speakers, guidance, meal plan suggestions, exercise demonstrations with a cash prize at the end the program. Faculty from Movement Science department also assisted.