1. Find appropriate dedicated space / facilities to relocate honors

Initiative Title1. Find appropriate dedicated space / facilities to relocate honors
Submitted in Previous Year(s)2022
Critical Information, Notes, Justification, Rationale

The honors program always has been located in a problematic space in Middletown--it is small, damp, has poor ventilation, and floods every year, causing water damage. It also has safety issues with a lack of egress and no places to retreat should that be required.  When RSCE was finished, we were supposed to move into the Carriage house, but that did not occur.

In fall 2021, all of those problems were exacerbated by COVID-related needs and concerns.  We were temporarily allocated two classrooms and an office--but separated--in RSCE.  This is insufficient to our needs and the spaces are separated.  For fall 2022, we converted a classroom into a temporary lounge, but the space remains temporary and insufficient to our needs (students must try to study and build community in one space--which is not conducive to the two disparate needs.  

While we appreciate that we have some space, a permanent, dedicated space specific to our needs remains a priority. The coordinator continues to be separated from the students; we struggle to build community and conduct other programming; some students remain disconnected from the program, one another and the college., thereby wasting the efforts of the HAB to conduct interviews to find the right students.

Consequences of this initiative not being funded

Without a permanent safe, dedicated and appropriate space, the honors program remains untethered. Please see above for more information.

We also hurt our recruiting efforts (which undermines Admissions efforts as well) which means we decrease the potential to bring students to SUNY Orange who will otherwise chose another institution.  We have little to promise / offer students in Middletown besides a converted classroom that still feels like a classroom masquerading as a lounge and a classroom.  While current students appreciate having something, we are limiting the abilities to study, grow, and build community with others.  

Finally, we are compliant only loosely with the best practices of the National Collegiate Honors Council.

Department Goals
LocationsMain Campus
Estimated Completion Date
Will this initiative span multiple budget years?No
Funding Source
Created12/01/2024 4:58 pm
Updated12/01/2024 5:09 pm

Institutional Goals

Goal How will the initiative support this institutional goal?
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development.
1)The space is inadequate to the needs and numbers of honors students and faculty and it is outdated. It puts off potential recruits and their parents and does not assist in retention as current students seek other less crowded, more inviting spaces. Equipment is outdated as well. It is not a marketable space. 2) We not only cannot grow, we cannot meet the current needs of the program. It does not support learning or community development.

Action Steps

Action Step Responsible Party Order
Locate more appropriate space and move program to it Honors Advisory Board and Cabinet/Facilities? 1

Expected Outcomes

Outcome Order
Higher recruiting numbers 1
Increased retention 2
Improved student and faculty morale 3
Improved faciltites 4

Assessment Methods

Method Description Other Method Responsible Party
Student Surveys: Satisfaction Need Surveys can be developed internally and administered to assess student frequency, importance, need and satisfaction institution’s staff, office and services and programming. Honors Advisory Board: Student members and coordinator




Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
10 laptops and one printer for student use $2500.00 / 2500.00 (1st year)
  • Administration and Finance, VP Office
  • Information Technology, CIO Office
  • Information Services & Network Infrastructure
Computers, wiring, etc for expansion (staff offices, etc) $8000.00
  • Information Technology, CIO Office
  • Information Services & Network Infrastructure
Lounge / study area updating $5000.00
  • Administration and Finance, VP Office
  • Facilities
TOTAL: $15,500.00 / $2,500.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
Find and create appropriate space $0.00
  • Academic Affairs and Student Services, Provost, VP Office
  • Administration and Finance, VP Office
  • Facilities
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


This is initiative is ready for prioritization.


DateDepartment NameStatusCost to DateFunding Source 
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