Initiative Title | Astronomical Observatory |
Submitted in Previous Year(s) | 2008 |
Critical Information, Notes, Justification, Rationale | An astronomical observatory would greatly enhance our astronomy, physical science and physics offerings. Perhaps more importantly, such a facility could serve as a scientific recruitment tool for the community through public viewing sessions for local grade and high schools, as well as by offering community outreach observing events and public lectures on astronomy topics. This initiative would require the hiring of a full time astronomy-physics instructor to support the facility and develop outreach events. |
Consequences of this initiative not being funded | An observatory would expand our service opportunities to both the school and the local community. If the initiative is not funded any negative impact on our current programming would not be that dramatic, in that all current courses can still be presented. This observatory would probably gain its maximum impact as a community service asset. |
Department Goals | |
Programs | |
Locations | |
Estimated Completion Date | |
Will this initiative span multiple budget years? | Yes |
Importance | Low |
Funding Source | |
Created | 11/02/2022 12:19 pm |
Updated | 08/29/2023 8:55 am |
Goal | How will the initiative support this institutional goal? |
Providing a quality learning experience and community outreach. |
Action Step | Responsible Party | Order |
Choose observatory type and solicit bids, hire instructor | Department Chair | 1 |
Outcome | Order |
enhanced learning opportunities in science | 1 |
Method | Description | Other Method | Responsible Party |
Other | Enter other assessment method | student feedback via surveys, attendance at outreach events and lectures,. | astronomy professor |
INITIAL YEAR COST: | $273,325.00 |
RECURRING COST: | $58,325.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
14-inch reflecting telescope with computer drive | $20000.00 |
TOTAL: | $20,000.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
Observatory building with dome and computer room | $180000.00 |
TOTAL: | $180,000.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
Ancillary cameras, observing decks, equipment | $15000.00 |
TOTAL: | $15,000.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
Observatory coordinator and astronomy instructor | $58325.00 / 58325.00 (1st year) |
TOTAL: | $58,325.00 / $58,325.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
Date | Department Name | Status | Cost to Date | Funding Source | |
No results found. |