Level 3 (Academic Affairs and Student Services, Provost, VP Office)
This initiattive combines similar inititatives from different departments in an effort to provide a more comrehensive upgrade campus-wide. View specific department initiatives for details.Level 4 (PBIE Committee)
This initiative combines three separate initiatives that the PBIE committee supported unanimously.
Physical Therapist Assistant Program- Vectra Genisys Laser ($4,000/0) - This equipment is part of the Vectra Genisys Combination Unit that was purchased during spring 2009. The component that makes up this combined initiative serves to complete the unit and is critical to providing quality, up-to-date instruction and to meeting the demands of the department’s external accreditation body. It also is critical to staying competitive with other PTA programs. This expenditure will have an immediate impact on instruction, and if funded, will be implemented in fall, 2010.
Science & Engineering - Lab equipment ($2,993/0) - The laboratory equipment is old, outdated and in many cases, does not function. In addition, the courses taught in these labs support the College’s highly regarded engineering program as well as many other degrees. Continued lack of support and failure to replace this outdated equipment would reflect poorly on the College and will severely limit this area’s ability to offer lab courses.
Medical Lab Technology- 2 Chemistry Analyzers and blood bank gel technology and supplies ($14,000/0) - This equipment is essential to providing students with the current skills needed to obtain employment. Additionally, continued accreditation will be put in jeopardy if not funded.