Expand impact of digital signage

Initiative TitleExpand impact of digital signage
Submitted in Previous Year(s)No
Critical Information, Notes, Justification, Rationale

The Communications Office sees a need for additional TV monitors in certain high-traffic areas of the College. These monitors would help expand the visibility of announcements and other key information for students and employees. Certain locations, such as Harriman Hall, the Diana Center and Orange Hall are among the Middletown campus spots where monitors would be beneficial. Adding monitors to the Tower Building on the Newburgh campus would also provide additional awareness.

Consequences of this initiative not being funded

The impact of the TV monitors on both campuses would remain at its current state.

Department Goals
LocationsMain Campus, Newburgh Campus
Estimated Completion Date09/02/2019
Will this initiative span multiple budget years?No
Funding SourceRequest for Prioritization
Created11/26/2018 1:03 pm
Updated04/14/2019 7:20 pm

Institutional Goals

Goal How will the initiative support this institutional goal?
Students and on-campus visitors in more buildings will see TV slides announcing events, student deadlines, etc.
Information shown on the additional TV monitors will expand visibility of our messaging, and all internal messaging will be identical on all tv screens. This information will be very similar to event announcements and deadlines shared to external audiences.

Action Steps

Action Step Responsible Party Order
Identify and Purchase monitors Communications and/or IT 1
Install monitors Facilities 2
Add monitors to College network ITS 3
Monitor and publish slides as submitted Communications 4

Expected Outcomes

Outcome Order
Enhanced awareness of college events, announcements and key dates 1

Assessment Methods

Method Description Other Method Responsible Party
Observations Information can be collected while observing “events” (including, sponsored activities, student {office staff} sessions, etc.) in the natural setting. Observation can provide information on student behaviors and attitudes. Office of Communications
Interviews The students (or other participants) are able during an interview to share their direct experiences, attitudes and beliefs. Interviews can be either structured or unstructured. Office of Communications




Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
Monitors $10000.00
  • Information Technology, CIO Office
  • Maintenance
TOTAL: $10,000.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Initiative Title Department


Expand impact of digital signage
$10,000.00 / $0.00
Communications Office

Prioritization Notes

Level 4 (PBIE Committee)

Although the committee supports fostering and increasing communication on campus, it feels that it would be beneficial to first assess the effectiveness of the current digital monitors already in place.  The initiative, as submitted, does not clearly explain if expanding the existing digital monitors will be cost worthy. During the Initiative Open Forum, it was also mentioned that there may be better ways of getting this type of bulletin information to students by perhaps leveraging/utilizing mobile device communication. While the committee strongly supports improving and increasing communication with our student body, the committee feels this initiative needs some more development and research.


DateDepartment NameStatusCost to DateFunding Source 
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