Implement Project Portfolio Management solution

Initiative TitleImplement Project Portfolio Management solution
Submitted in Previous Year(s)No
Critical Information, Notes, Justification, Rationale

Recently, the IS Group of the IT department has begun standardizing the procedure of planning and executing IT projects. We would like to further develop the project management services offered by the IT to the rest of the college. In order to do this, we need a means to coherently manage multiple projects simultaneously while tracking resources, time, and providing a visibility into the status to the upper management at any given moment without having to request and wait for a status report. A comprehensive Project Portfolio Management solution would allow us to start taking steps towards managing the projects consistently and increasing the communication with the stakeholders.

Consequences of this initiative not being funded

The IT department will not be able to deliver projects in a consistent manner. As a result, it will be difficult to set expectations for the users and administration.

Department GoalsBecome a collaborative and supportive organizational asset.
LocationsMain Campus, Newburgh Campus, Other Instructional Site
Estimated Completion Date09/01/2019
Will this initiative span multiple budget years?No
Funding SourceRequest for Prioritization
Created01/19/2018 1:35 pm
Updated03/29/2018 6:37 pm

Institutional Goals

Goal How will the initiative support this institutional goal?
Implementing any technological solution constitutes a project. As a rule, the IT has to manage multiple projects at the same time. the PPM tool would allow us to do this more efficiently while increasing the communication and streamlining the service
Expanding the document imaging is a sizable project. A PPM tool would allow us to manage and track in an organized fashion.
The PPM tool would allow for the transparency in communication of the projects with the college constituents.
Project Management services offer an innovation in how the projects are being delivered, as well as an opportunity for continuous improvement of how the projects are delivered. Having a tool that centralizes the PM activities will serve as the next level of innovation.
In participating in project planning, the constituents will further understand the value of comprehensive planning and institutional effectiveness as opposed to simply implementing a system for the sake of having something new.

Action Steps

Action Step Responsible Party Order
Select a PPM tool IT, Purchasing 1
Purchase the tool Purchasing 2
Implement the tool IT 3

Expected Outcomes

Outcome Order
We can manage multiple projects at the same time within the same tool 1
The administration has the transparency to see the status of all of the projects at any given time 2
We can allocate resources more efficiently 3

Assessment Methods

Method Description Other Method Responsible Party
Observations Information can be collected while observing “events” (including, sponsored activities, student {office staff} sessions, etc.) in the natural setting. Observation can provide information on student behaviors and attitudes. IT


RECURRING COST: $25,000.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
Software training $3000.00
  • Information Technology, CIO Office
TOTAL: $3,000.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
Software implementation $5000.00
  • Information Technology, CIO Office
Software licensing $25000.00 / 25000.00 (1st year)
  • Information Technology, CIO Office
TOTAL: $30,000.00 / $25,000.00


Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Initiative Title Department


Implement Project Portfolio Management solution
$33,000.00 / $25,000.00
Information Technology, CIO Office

Prioritization Notes

Level 4 (PBIE Committee)

The PBIE Committee did not rank this initiative because we did not see the need for it, and therefore did not consider it a priority.  


DateDepartment NameStatusCost to DateFunding Source 
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