- I: To provide courses in the arts, sciences, health professions, humanities, business and technology at the level of Associate degree programs, certificates, training and developmental programs to meet student needs for further education, employment and personal growth.
- 1: To employ key indicators to measure the college’s success in achieving its goals and to utilize established indicators to better measure the effectiveness of its programs.
- II: To offer a broad program of general education so that students learn to communicate and reason effectively; make independent judgments; and develop an appreciation for learning, a respect for diverse cultures and individuals and a desire for self and societal improvement.
- 2: To monitor the general education component of the AA, AS and AAS degree programs.
- Standard 7: Institutional Assessment
- a: The institution must develop a written strategic plan and college-wide
assessment plans that are acceptable to the college community.
- Standard12: General Education
- a: Departments must provide evidence of how assessment results are used to improve teaching and learning. This includes devising learning strategies to address student learning deficiencies and incorporating those into courses. These should then be reassessed to determine if the course improvements were effective.
- Standard14: Assessment of Student Learning
- b: Articulate expectations of student learning at the institutional level. These may take the form of college-wide competencies expected of all graduates and certificate holders, or these may reinforce the general education expectations present in all certificates, degrees, and programs.
- Standard14: Assessment of Student Learning
- c: Establish protocols that specify how learning assessment results and course modifications are to be completed and communicated after assessment data are obtained.
- Standard14: Assessment of Student Learning
- d: Establish a means to communicate results of student learning assessment to students and the camp us community to aid in decision-making.
- Standard14: Assessment of Student Learning
- e: Document that student learning assessment results are used to improve teaching and learning.
- II: Increase the effectiveness of planning and resource allocation for all College operations.
- II: Curriculum Change/Program Design
- c: Identity, review and assess the common academic core that should exist in all AA, AS and AAS programs
- V: Student Support
- a: Implement a system to gain on-going feedback from students regarding the quality and effectiveness of the learning experience and support services offered