New dosimeter technology for faculty and students

Initiative TitleNew dosimeter technology for faculty and students
Submitted in Previous Year(s)2021
Critical Information, Notes, Justification, Rationale

Students and faculty are required by New York State Department of Radiation Protection to wear "dosimeters" which are radiation monitors.

Their job, as is sounds, is to monitor radiation we are exposed to both in lab and out at clinical. We are also required to have dose limits, an alert system and procedure for students who reach a certain exposure rate. This is extremely important for pregnant works and students as radiation can negative effects on a fetus, especially in the first trimester when pregnancy can be unknown for sometime. These individuals get separate "fetal badges" with specific dose limits for duration of pregnancy. 

Currently students pay money into an account and department orders badges which takes about a week or two to arrive. They are good for 4 months, after which badges are collected and sent back to the company to have readings processed. Once the badges are read, we get a dose report per student which all takes about 3 weeks or more. We get new badges from the company in the meantime to re-distribute to students and faculty. The process continues every 4 months.

When a student loses a badge, a replacement must be sent overnight which is high cost and prevents the student from attending lab or clinical without it. When a student or faculty member become pregnant we need to order a fetal badge which can take about 2 weeks for the department to receive and is an additional cost to the pregnant student. Yearly dosimeters cost about $1,300. 

New technology exists which alleviates a lot of the problems associated with this process such as; frequent payment to the bursars office (including summers when students are not on campus), badges being turned in late, time to receive new badges, time to receive a fetal badge, time it takes for a report to generate and to then notice a reading is at exposure limit and so forth. 

With new technology the department can order badges once which last 5 years (roughly) and are read right here on campus. They work off battery and Bluetooth to send dose report signals to a reader that would be installed right on the wall in the lab. The reader has yearly fee of $80 and the only cost associated with the reusable badge is when the battery dies and is about $25 to replace. The system also comes with computer software and alert system for real time monitoring and alerting when a dose limit has been reached. It would send a message directly to the Radiation Safety Officer (chair) and the student notifying both a dose limit has been reached. One can imagine how important that is for the pregnant worker or student. 

Of course there is the issue of cost- the fee is about $5,200 which the department only has about $1200 in our badge fund at any given time. Although the cost is a lot up front, in the long run it saves money and has numerous benefits. 

Consequences of this initiative not being funded

Location selected is main campus, however the badges are required for clinical as well which stretches across 3 counties. 

The consequences include a continued financial burden on the student who already pays lab fees, health profession fees, uniform fees...etc. In general consequences are continuing to do things "the old fashion" way of mailing dosimeters back and forth which includes wasted money in postage every 4 months and not getting dose reports or badges in a timely manner especially when considering pregnant uses who need additional monitoring and dose limits. A student or worker could have a very high reading which we do not know until it's too late and more time/exposure has gone by in the time it takes for the outside company to read it and get us a report.

Department GoalsFunding for dosimeters that does not require a mail service every 4 months.
ProgramsAAS Rad Tech
LocationsMain Campus
Estimated Completion Date
Will this initiative span multiple budget years?Yes
Funding SourceOperating Budget
Created12/15/2024 10:43 am
Updated12/15/2024 10:49 am

Institutional Goals

Goal How will the initiative support this institutional goal?
The use of this technology for monitoring dose is not only state of the art but also something we teach students about in the program thus helping them connect the information from textbook to a tool they will use at clinical and in the field. It improves communication from the RSO (Radiation Safety Officer) to students and faculty by immediate means of monitoring and reporting radiation dose and exposures cutting out the need for an external party to receive these badges, process them and then give us a report a month later. Radiation is a safety issue in general which exposure limits are set and monitored with such systems alerting the RSO (dept chair) immediately if someone hits or exceeds the dose threshold. This help with student health and safety of course as well faculty.
The use of this technology for monitoring dose is not only state of the art but also something we teach students about in the program thus helping them connect the information from textbook to a tool they will use at clinical and in the field. It improves communication from the RSO (Radiation Safety Officer) to students and faculty by immediate means of monitoring and reporting radiation dose and exposures cutting out the need for an external party to receive these badges, process them and then give us a report a month later. Radiation is a safety issue in general which exposure limits are set and monitored with such systems alerting the RSO (dept chair) immediately if someone hits or exceeds the dose threshold. This help with student health and safety of course as well faculty.
The use of this technology for monitoring dose is not only state of the art but also something we teach students about in the program thus helping them connect the information from textbook to a tool they will use at clinical and in the field. It improves communication from the RSO (Radiation Safety Officer) to students and faculty by immediate means of monitoring and reporting radiation dose and exposures cutting out the need for an external party to receive these badges, process them and then give us a report a month later. Radiation is a safety issue in general which exposure limits are set and monitored with such systems alerting the RSO (dept chair) immediately if someone hits or exceeds the dose threshold. This help with student health and safety of course as well faculty.
The use of this technology for monitoring dose is not only state of the art but also something we teach students about in the program thus helping them connect the information from textbook to a tool they will use at clinical and in the field. It improves communication from the RSO (Radiation Safety Officer) to students and faculty by immediate means of monitoring and reporting radiation dose and exposures cutting out the need for an external party to receive these badges, process them and then give us a report a month later. Radiation is a safety issue in general which exposure limits are set and monitored with such systems alerting the RSO (dept chair) immediately if someone hits or exceeds the dose threshold. This help with student health and safety of course as well faculty.
The use of this technology for monitoring dose is not only state of the art but also something we teach students about in the program thus helping them connect the information from textbook to a tool they will use at clinical and in the field. It improves communication from the RSO (Radiation Safety Officer) to students and faculty by immediate means of monitoring and reporting radiation dose and exposures cutting out the need for an external party to receive these badges, process them and then give us a report a month later. Radiation is a safety issue in general which exposure limits are set and monitored with such systems alerting the RSO (dept chair) immediately if someone hits or exceeds the dose threshold. This help with student health and safety of course as well faculty.
The use of this technology for monitoring dose is not only state of the art but also something we teach students about in the program thus helping them connect the information from textbook to a tool they will use at clinical and in the field. It improves communication from the RSO (Radiation Safety Officer) to students and faculty by immediate means of monitoring and reporting radiation dose and exposures cutting out the need for an external party to receive these badges, process them and then give us a report a month later. Radiation is a safety issue in general which exposure limits are set and monitored with such systems alerting the RSO (dept chair) immediately if someone hits or exceeds the dose threshold. This help with student health and safety of course as well faculty.
The use of this technology for monitoring dose is not only state of the art but also something we teach students about in the program thus helping them connect the information from textbook to a tool they will use at clinical and in the field. It improves communication from the RSO (Radiation Safety Officer) to students and faculty by immediate means of monitoring and reporting radiation dose and exposures cutting out the need for an external party to receive these badges, process them and then give us a report a month later. Radiation is a safety issue in general which exposure limits are set and monitored with such systems alerting the RSO (dept chair) immediately if someone hits or exceeds the dose threshold. This help with student health and safety of course as well faculty.
The use of this technology for monitoring dose is not only state of the art but also something we teach students about in the program thus helping them connect the information from textbook to a tool they will use at clinical and in the field. It improves communication from the RSO (Radiation Safety Officer) to students and faculty by immediate means of monitoring and reporting radiation dose and exposures cutting out the need for an external party to receive these badges, process them and then give us a report a month later. Radiation is a safety issue in general which exposure limits are set and monitored with such systems alerting the RSO (dept chair) immediately if someone hits or exceeds the dose threshold. This help with student health and safety of course as well faculty.
The use of this technology for monitoring dose is not only state of the art but also something we teach students about in the program thus helping them connect the information from textbook to a tool they will use at clinical and in the field. It improves communication from the RSO (Radiation Safety Officer) to students and faculty by immediate means of monitoring and reporting radiation dose and exposures cutting out the need for an external party to receive these badges, process them and then give us a report a month later. Radiation is a safety issue in general which exposure limits are set and monitored with such systems alerting the RSO (dept chair) immediately if someone hits or exceeds the dose threshold. This help with student health and safety of course as well faculty.
The use of this technology for monitoring dose is not only state of the art but also something we teach students about in the program thus helping them connect the information from textbook to a tool they will use at clinical and in the field. It improves communication from the RSO (Radiation Safety Officer) to students and faculty by immediate means of monitoring and reporting radiation dose and exposures cutting out the need for an external party to receive these badges, process them and then give us a report a month later. Radiation is a safety issue in general which exposure limits are set and monitored with such systems alerting the RSO (dept chair) immediately if someone hits or exceeds the dose threshold. This help with student health and safety of course as well faculty.

Action Steps

Action Step Responsible Party Order
Research viable companies and planning Diagnostic Imaging has already researched and got quotes from companies 1
Allocate funds each year Operating costs/budget managment 2

Expected Outcomes

Outcome Order
More effective means of monitoring student radiation exposure including fetal dose exposure for pregnant faculty and staff. Overall reduction in cost and Realtime radiation exposure reporting 1

Assessment Methods

Method Description Other Method Responsible Party
Document Analysis Documents can be analyzed to provide information and meaning around an assessment topic Diagnostic Imaging




Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
Initial startup cost, thereafter students would pay each year like they do for radiation badges now. $1500.00 / 1500.00 (1st year)
  • Diagnostic Imaging
TOTAL: $1,500.00 / $1,500.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


This is initiative is ready for prioritization.


DateDepartment NameStatusCost to DateFunding Source 
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