- III: To implement technological delivery systems in Academic, Student and Administrative Services.
- 3: To continue to enable technological improvements in academic advising, in registration, in keeping track of student progress, and in financial aid processing, while maintaining personal interactions between students and college personnel.
- Standard 4: Leadership and Governance
- c: The College’s self study report and supporting documents establish a commitment to a more comprehensive College-Wide Assessment and Planning process. To effectively reach the goals outlined in both of these areas, a more concerted effort needs to be made to document the proceedings of the committees charged with these goals and periodically review progress made in a more consistent, collaborative fashion.
- Standard 4: Leadership and Governance
- d: Needs assessment for the restructuring of the Student Development and Institutional Advancement areas should be completed prior to any reorganization. Additionally, an assessment of the impact of the reorganization of the Academic Affairs area should be completed within the next academic year to determine its effectiveness and ability to improve communication within and between academic departments.
- Standard 6: Integrity
- b: Formalized assessment of integrity throughout institutional policies, procedures and practices needs to be implemented. As well, there needs to be an evaluation of how these procedures are integrated throughout college programs and services. Specific plans should be put in place for implementing required changes.
- Standard 7: Institutional Assessment
- a: The institution must develop a written strategic plan and college-wide
assessment plans that are acceptable to the college community.
- Standard 8: Student Admissions and Retention
- a: The College should provide program outcomes to prospective students.
- Standard 9: Student Support Services
- c: The College should implement a comprehensive assessment model for
Student Development.
- Standard10: Faculty
- a: The implementation of a college-wide, mandatory annual student evaluation of part-time and full-time instructional personnel is recommended. A student evaluation process would represent a positive step by which the faculty can receive a review of their teaching styles as perceived by their students and through which students can express their perceptions about instructors, courses, programs, and the college. Student evaluations need not and should not be perceived as punitive, but can be used by individual faculty for self-reflection and improvement as well as for professional advancement within the college. The student evaluation can also serve as an excellent source of affirmation and validation of teaching skills and interpersonal relations, but can also serve as an instrument for professional development. It is interesting to note that informal, unofficial evaluations for some faculty members are currently available on “www.ratemyprofessors.com.”
- Standard11: Educational Offerings
- e: Accelerating the development of rubrics and outcome measures for information literacy to meet the target date of Spring 2005 for the assessment of general education will enable the college to rationally evaluate existing programs and add new programs.
- Standard12: General Education
- a: Departments must provide evidence of how assessment results are used to improve teaching and learning. This includes devising learning strategies to address student learning deficiencies and incorporating those into courses. These should then be reassessed to determine if the course improvements were effective.
- Standard13: Related Educational Activities
- a: Developmental student learning is very important for the success of under-prepared students. As the college does not utilize consistent, student-specific data on the progress of these students, appropriate resources should be made available to assist the Developmental Education Program in tracking the progress of students and assessing their success after completion of developmental courses. Adequate software, and qualified and sufficient staffing to effectively and efficiently utilize it, should be available to gather important data about the progress of students.
- Standard14: Assessment of Student Learning
- a: We agree with the recommendation cited in Standard 14 of the Self-Study Report to establish a position dedicated to assessment. This individual would oversee, coordinate, and provide assistance and training for all assessment activities undertaken at the institution.
- Standard14: Assessment of Student Learning
- b: Articulate expectations of student learning at the institutional level. These may take the form of college-wide competencies expected of all graduates and certificate holders, or these may reinforce the general education expectations present in all certificates, degrees, and programs.
- Standard14: Assessment of Student Learning
- c: Establish protocols that specify how learning assessment results and course modifications are to be completed and communicated after assessment data are obtained.
- Standard14: Assessment of Student Learning
- d: Establish a means to communicate results of student learning assessment to students and the camp us community to aid in decision-making.
- Standard14: Assessment of Student Learning
- e: Document that student learning assessment results are used to improve teaching and learning.
- II: Increase the effectiveness of planning and resource allocation for all College operations.
- F: Professional Development
- a: Support teaching excellence, best practices and pedagogy through the Center for Teaching and Learning
- V: Student Support
- a: Implement a system to gain on-going feedback from students regarding the quality and effectiveness of the learning experience and support services offered