- I: To provide courses in the arts, sciences, health professions, humanities, business and technology at the level of Associate degree programs, certificates, training and developmental programs to meet student needs for further education, employment and personal growth.
- 5: To improve access through alternative scheduling credit and non-credit programs for students.
- Standard 3: Institutional Resources
- f: While a technology infrastructure is in place, it is aging and inadequate for innovative learning applications and a robust administrative information system. With the appointment of the Associate Vice President of Technology, the college should begin the development of a technology plan to address the mission-critical areas of network support, database functionality, integration of staff and services, and life cycle management of computers across the college.
- I: Develop and implement an Academic Master Plan that guides the renewal of current programs and services, the development of new programs and services, and formulizes the allocation of resources effectively.
- II: Curriculum Change/Program Design
- a: Explore the need for evening, weekend and non-traditional scheduling options for the delivery of programs and curriculum to better meet the needs of diverse students and the workplace
- II: Curriculum Change/Program Design
- e: Identify degrees that should be offered partially or entirely on-line and determine which programs should add web-based or hybrid course options for students