Initiative Title | Provide the dedicated classroom for the program on the Middletown and Newburgh campuses. |
Submitted in Previous Year(s) | No |
Critical Information, Notes, Justification, Rationale | A dedicated office and classroom space is needed on both campuses. The office is used to interview students and to meet with parents. The office and classrooms have specific equipment and materials that need securing such as a moveable smartboard, computer carts, and file cabinet with the enrolled student charts. We currently have a shared office and computer lab on the Middletown campus. It's not ideal for meeting with students while the computer lab is in use. On the Newburgh campus, an office space is being designed but there is no dedicated classroom. The staff is transporting a computer cart from the fifth-floor office to the second-floor classroom of the Tower building. The staff and youth would benefit from dedicated space. |
Consequences of this initiative not being funded | The growth and expansion of the program may be impacted. Staff need consistent space to set up equipment and to offer the required grant services. |
Department Goals | |
Programs | |
Locations | |
Estimated Completion Date | |
Will this initiative span multiple budget years? | Yes |
Importance | Low |
Funding Source | Request for Prioritization |
Created | 12/13/2024 12:54 pm |
Updated | 12/13/2024 1:03 pm |
Goal | How will the initiative support this institutional goal? |
Action Step | Responsible Party | Order |
Outcome | Order |
Method | Description | Other Method | Responsible Party |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
This initiative is not ready for prioritization.
Date | Department Name | Status | Cost to Date | Funding Source | |
No results found. |