Level 4 (PBIE Committee)
Per the VPAA presentation, this initiative will lead to construction of 10 smart classrooms in Bio-tech, and not merely the carts. It has altered the monetary amount to approximately $50,000.
Keeping the campus up to date with current instructional technology has been a stated priority of departments and the administration for some time now. Smart Classroom technology has been available for some time and would be a help to many faculty when it comes to presenting material. Currently, many faculty use portable carts to bring the computers and projectors to the classrooms. This is both inefficient and inconvenient. The set up of the equipment takes away from class time. Also, since some faculty, in spite of the inconvenience, are attempting to utilize the technology, it shows there is a demand for it. By setting up 10 rooms in Bio-Tech, they will be used by various departments since several programs are taught in BT (Nursing, Criminal Justice, Architecture, Electrical Engineering/Telecommunications and others) as well as English, math and other courses. This addition, then, will benefit several areas of the college. Students will also benefit since this technology is something many will already be familiar with because many high schools already utilize it and it will be an efficient way of presenting course material and working on projects. Faculty will benefit since many new faculty have used this type of technology to teach at other schools and are already seeking it out on our campus. In order to keep current with other schools and to provide more opportunities for faculty and students, this initiative is important and should be moved forward.