Level 3 (Academic Affairs and Student Services, Provost, VP Office)
This item combined many technology requests including the following:
1. Accounting/Office Technologies - SmartBoard Technology - $30,000
2. English and Foreign Languages - Smartroom/Computer Lab Writing Classroom - $11,300
3.Psychology/Sociology - iPads - $2,000
4.Global Studies - Portable Computers - $2,500
5. Library - iPads - $10,000Level 4 (PBIE Committee)
The PBIE Committee believes that Academic Affairs’ Combined Technology Initiative is important to keeping the college up to date with instructional technology. In particular, the committee feels that the use of Ipads or other tablet devices appears to be flexible and are an exciting addition to instruction and learning. The rapid growth of this particular technology suggests they will become standard components of educational activities. Additionally, they are compatible with existing components of many smartrooms (i.e. projectors) and do not add to the crowding of classrooms that may already have a number of technological additions in them.
Another part of this initiative includes smartboards for the Office/Accounting Technologies department. While the committee supports this part of the initiative as well, we did discuss concerns that smartboards might soon become obsolete. Many on the committee noted that tablets might ultimately be able to perform the same functionalities. However, in the end, we do defer to the expertise of those in that department to understand and plan for its needs.