2019 - 2020 Administration and Finance, VP Office Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 01/15/2019 10:33 am by Linda Dauer

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The Office of Administration and Finance exists to provide exceptional financial, planning and administrative services to SUNY Orange's faculty, staff, and students while supporting the College's mission and Strategic Plan.  With the ongoing budget challenges, Priority 4 - Efficient and Effective Operations becomes even more critical.  As an institution, we must "adapt to changing economic realities while maintaining the infrastructure and resources necessary to foster innovation and develop and deliver high-quality programs and services."  With our current structural budget deficit, the ability to adapt to changing economic realities needs to be a backdrop to everything that we do campus-wide.  

As a result, the Division of Administration and Finance's top priority again for the next academic year will be promoting efficient and effective operations by finding ways to more effectively use technology, cultivating continuous improvement throughout the organization, reorganizing departments, improving reporting capabilities, and disrupting "business as usual".

The staff in this Division are deeply committed to SUNY Orange, often working behind the scenes unnoticed, unfortunately, until something goes wrong.  I appreciate each and every one of them for their hard work and commitment to this College and its faculty,staff, and students.

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Find ways to use technology more effectively and cultivate continuous improvement throughout the Division.
2 Manage college custodial and facilities/ground maintenance needs with limited resources.
3 Improve financial reporting to enhance data-informed decision making and analysis.
4 Create opportunities for professional education and growth.


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.