Admissions 2023-2024 Review
During the 2023-2024 academic year, our admissions team worked towards meeting enrollment goals tied to the Strategic Enrollment Management Plan (SEM) through strategic planning and careful review of past events and practices. We continued to provide services that will cater to every student including virtual, in-person and phone meetings. Below you will find a listing of major on-campus events for Fall & Spring 2024:
• Annual Guidance Counselor Luncheon – Middletown Campus
• Middletown Campus Open House
• Newburgh Preview Day – Will now be a Spend-A-Day Program
• Spring Incoming Student Day Program
In addition to our main headlining events, our Admissions team held a Healthcare Open House Program to help promote each one of our programs including our Healthcare Exploration Program. Below you will find some data related to our event participation.
➢ Guidance Counselor Luncheon: 21 local counselors
➢ Middletown Campus Open House: 43 Families
➢ Newburgh Preview Day: 30 families
➢ Healthcare Exploration Program: 21 Families
➢ Spring Incoming Student Day Program: 133 families
➢ Weekly appointments: 150 appointments
➢ Campus Tour & Information Sessions: 100 families
This year, we decided to host our Middletown Campus Open House in early November opposed to the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, the turnout was not what we expected. This prompted us to move our Open House Program back to the Thursday before Thanksgiving. In addition, we will be changing the format of our Newburgh Preview Day to make it more engaging for students. Instead, we are going to host a SUNY Orange Spend-A-Day Program. This program will be designed to give students the opportunity to attend classes and participate in activities with a current student. The hope is that our attendees will get a better understanding of what a college course looks like at SUNY Orange.
Goals & Priorities for 2024-2025 academic year
During the 2024-2025 academic year, our goals will support the following strategic priorities:
- Strategic priority #1 – Empower Student Success -Equitably link students with their aspirations
- Strategic priority #2 - Strengthen our Region's Economic Future: Teach & Train for a Brighter Tomorrow. We will support the following goals from the Strategic Plan:
- Strategic Priority # 1 - Goal #3: Provide support for the student of today and tomorrow
- Straetgic Priortiy # 2 - Goal #2: Intentionally and specifically support interested students to transition from non-credit to credit.