2022 - 2023 Business Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 10/26/2021 1:27 pm by Lucinda Fleming

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    1. To provide high quality, industry-standard skill set training within our AAS and Certificate coursework so that our graduates are prepared for employment.
    2. To provide high quality academic coursework in our AS transfer programs so that our graduates can successfully transfer to a Bachelor’s degree program.
    3. To promote student interest in our programs through community collaborations and organizations.
    4. To continue to build and maintain transfer articulations for our graduates.
    5. To replace full-time faculty and support staff due to retirement in order to maintain ACBSP Accreditation and 1-4 above plans.

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 To provide funding and support for memberships in organizations that are important for degree programs.
2 To promote the degree programs of the Business Department (Community), especially the new degree program for AS Healthcare Administration.
3 To hire a replacement Senior Secretary for the Business Department.
4 To hire two replacement full-time faculty members to teach Business and other Management coursework.
5 To replace/update Smart Board technology in Harriman Hall Second Floor Classrooms
6 Provide quality assurance through student learning outcomes, advisory board feedback, graduate student feedback and current student feedback, leading to success in our AS degrees transferability and our AAS degrees employability, and ACBSP accreditation.
7 To support, maintain, and grow all outreach activitites including; articulations, CCHS, Business Clubs, Tax Assistance Program, student scholarships, and open computer lab time for students.


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.