2025 - 2026 Library Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 12/10/2024 3:10 pm by Andrew Heiz

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Drawing from the library’s mission and goals (https://sunyorange.edu/library/using/mission.html) help to turn students into effective researchers so they can achieve their academic goals. In an ever-shifting academic environment the library strives to meet students where they are most comfortable. As more electronic tools become available the library leverages them to maintain the library’s level of services. The physical space of the library has a variety of work areas to suit the needs of individual students. Devices to connect to the internet are pervasive through the library and allows students the flexibility to work where they prefer. Students are also borrowing chromebooks and lapotops are a high rate. The library's reference and instruction program are the focus on the library' s efforts. Each year the instruction program is evaluated and updated to the current research environment.

The campus libraries offer multiple services to students from providing technology access and study spaces to online and in person reference services. To faculty librarians offer information literacy instruction for their students and reference services for their research. Librarians work diligently to select the best electronic and physical research resources. Library staff ensure that the campus community and local residents are welcomed and offered the assistance they ask for.

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Goal 1 The library resources shall support the curricula of the College, provide the basis for a well-rounded liberal education, and meet the research needs of the college community.
2 Goal 2 Provide an effective program of Library Instruction where students will learn the methods and processes necessary to effectively carry out research for scholarly purposes and the pursuit of life-long learning.
3 Goal 3 Provide access to a full-range of information materials and resources.
4 Goal 4 Create a friendly, safe and supportive virtual and physical environment with trained staff and state-of-the-art equipment and facilities to support the research process.
5 Goal 5 Build and reinforce collaborative relationships with partners within and exterior to the college, to optimize services, infrastructure, and enhance the student experience.


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.