2019 - 2020 Student Engagement and Completion, AVP Office Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 11/26/2018 8:42 pm by Madeline Torres-Diaz

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The AVP for Student Engagement and Completion is dedicated to helping retain students and assisting them through the completion of their degree. This is accomplished by supporting and monitoring at-risk students' academic progress, coordinating with the Student Support Initiatives staff, academic advisement, faculty and financial aid offices and providing referrals to campus resources and support services, and coordinating programs that foster the academic success of students.

Department Goals:

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Provide targeted, effective outreach activities to high school students and continuing students.
2 Continue to explore and support innovative ideas and projects.
3 Use data to support dialogue and decision-making.
4 Continue to work collaboratively with both the Grants Office and the Foundation.
5 Continue to assess and seek funding for: “Ways to Improve Minority Male Enrollment, Retention, and Graduation Rates” PIF Project
6 Continue to support SUNY Orange's commitment to Guided Pathways (SOEX).


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.