Assessment for Initiate strategic, systematized communications and interventions


Assessment Date11/27/2018
Department NameStudent Engagement and Completion, AVP Office
StatusIn progress


Cost to Date1000.00
Funding SourceRequest for Prioritization

Assessment Methods

Entrance/Exit InterviewsDiscover why students are not satisfied with college services and how we can improve the services.

More Information

How did the implementation advance the department's or division's involved, as well as the institution?
If the initiative has not been implemented, please explain why

Early, consistent assistance provided to at risk students;  will improve retention of Full-time/First-year who do poorly in academics during fall semester.

Annually extract and review list of first year students who are not retained by college. Provide analysis of data gained on this population via the Total Withdrawal form, incorporating details known about students by Student Financial Services and Office of Institutional Research. 

Additional comments, including future plans for this initiative
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