Initiative Title | College Contract Database |
Submitted in Previous Year(s) | No |
Critical Information, Notes, Justification, Rationale | Purchasing Department and various other departments collegewide engage in contracts with outside entities. These are stored within the department who initiates them therefore are scattered in the business organization. Contracts need to reviewed, renewed and revised but due to turnover or other college business so these contract tasks can be overlooked and being scattered campus wide does not help. A Contract database allows all college contracts to be stored in one place, have them digitized, review and renew them in a timely manner. Here is information I found during my web search that communicates the need of a contract database.
5 Reasons Why You Need a Contract Management Software
Consequences of this initiative not being funded | The consequences is contracts located in many areas and can not be found when needed or reviewed and renewed in a timely manner. |
Department Goals | |
Programs | |
Locations | Main Campus |
Estimated Completion Date | 10/01/2025 |
Will this initiative span multiple budget years? | Yes |
Importance | High |
Funding Source | Request for Prioritization |
Created | 01/21/2025 10:54 am |
Updated | 02/24/2025 9:51 am |
Goal | How will the initiative support this institutional goal? |
Contracts can be searched and found easily and possibly attached into Banner. |
Action Step | Responsible Party | Order |
IT has found a software that can assist as well as other functionalities campus wide. We just need IT to let Purchasing when they can use it. | IT | 1 |
Setup the Contract Database | IT and Purchasing | 2 |
Add existing contracts into the contract database | IT and Purchasing | 3 |
Start using the database college wide | IT and Purchasing | 4 |
Outcome | Order |
Have a working contract database | 1 |
Method | Description | Other Method | Responsible Party |
Other | Enter other assessment method | Forms and Instructions Placed on Business Office Portlet | Purchasing |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
Need | Cost (Initial/Recurring) | Supporting Departments | |
Only resource needed is Business Office personnel time. | $0.00 |
TOTAL: | $0.00 / $0.00 |
There will be a cost for this.
Date | Department Name | Status | Cost to Date | Funding Source | |
No results found. |