2025 - 2026 Business Office Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 01/21/2025 10:54 am by William Carroll

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The mission of the Business Office is to provide any and all services that are needed to plan and manage the financial resources available to the college as efficiently as possible in support of the SUNY Orange strategic plan and academic mission of the college, while complying with all federal, state, and regulatory financial guidelines.  The office provides fiscal accountability and safeguarding of College's assets through adherence to generally accepted accounting principles and proper internal controls. 

Our goal is to support the College's mission and strategic plan by providing sound fiscal management and accounting of the college's assets and increase transparency with all Business Office transactions. 

The college was asked to focus on three initiatives of the College's Strategic Plan for the upcoming academic year.  In reviewing each of these initiatives, the Business Office can best support goal 3 of the initiative to "Sustain and Invigorate Our Planned Future: Reimagine Human, Financial and Physical Resources".   Goal 3 is to "Maximize and more efficiently use technologies and physical resources to enhance the student experience".  Granted the Business Office does not have a direct impact on the student experience, but it can indirectly impact it.  By achieving our initiatives in using all the features of the Banner ERP system to create workflow efficiencies, the Business Office can have the opportunity  to focus on projects that will allow the college to have the necessary resources available to benefit the overall student experience.


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.