Provide resources to support BMST goal #1. (support teaching/learning environment)

Initiative TitleProvide resources to support BMST goal #1. (support teaching/learning environment)
Submitted in Previous Year(s)No
Critical Information, Notes, Justification, Rationale

APPLIED TECH:  We need to replenish our set of cabling tools (diagonal pliers, RJ-45 crimpers, etc.) used to make Ethernet patch cables in our Data Communications and Networking courses.

Hardware/Software (CIT 112) is one of the core courses of our curriculum.  It is currently housed in BT-253, a small, cramped room with insufficient power and networking facilities, and no proper laboratory benches.  In addition, this course currently requires several complete computer component kits (case, motherboard, memory, hard drive, etc.) so that students can assemble an entire functioning computer system solely from individual components.  Due to wear and tear, the kits have a limited usable lifecycle, and must be replaced at a regular interval.  It has been several years since the last rotation, and our current batch of kits are nearly worn out.  As such, we require a new set of kits if we are to continue to offer this course in an acceptable manner.

The current laboratory space (BT-253) used for this course is no longer sufficient to accommodate the student load.  This artificially caps the number of students we can enroll in any particular section due to crowding and safety concerns.  In addition, the room is not optimally configured for this type of class, as it lacks proper laboratory furnishings such as workbenches, power outlets, and network connectivity.

    As such, we wish to identify a new laboratory environment.  There are several rooms in BioTech which already have such facilities that may currently be underutilized (e.g. BT-352).  Other facilities recently vacated by the Biology Program appear to be sitting idle on the top floor of BioTech.  These rooms, or even just one, would be ideal for our purposes and would go a long way toward alleviating our space issues.  We need to select a more appropriate space, outfit the room with appropriate furniture (desks, lab tables) and computers, and ensure the presence of appropriate infrastructure and facilities (electric, networking, HVAC).  As noted above, there appear to be several areas in BioTech already suited for the purpose, the most fiscally responsible path to move forward would be to reallocate one of these underutilized spaces for laboratory use.  Our existing Hardware/Software lab (BT-253) will hopefully be repurposed as our Cloud Computing lab environment.

      Our department already boasts a moderately sized Cloud Computing cluster built by our faculty with financial assistance from a SUNY Innovative Instructional Technology Grant.  It is currently utilized as a laboratory environment for many of our advanced courses.  Unfortunately, we have already expended the capacity of our current system, and are seeking to expand and enhance the cluster in order to support a greater number of students and courses.  The cluster also allows us to offer training in emerging technologies that students would otherwise not encounter until they reached industry, thus better preparing them for gainful employment.  When expanded, one of our goals is to extend Internet access to our Cloud.  In this way, we could offer more upper division courses in Newburgh and in a distance learning format.

     We have already had multiple preliminary discussions with the Foundation regarding this request.  Potential funding is tied to a major gift proposal currently in draft with the Foundation.  If granted, half of the requested amount would be eligible for matching SUNY Capital Expenditure monies already in place for the BioTech building.

      Note that the attached budgetary request represents an example configuration and cost estimates.  The final implementation components may vary depending upon funding, facilities constraints, vendor pricing models, and the availability of newer systems.

      It should also be noted that the current allocation of requested funding resources is highly dependent upon support from SUNY Orange.  We have spoken with IT to identify data center space already equipped with sufficient power, networking, and HVAC resources.  If such a location is no longer available, an alternative setting will need to be identified and a significant portion of the funding request will have to be reallocated to facility development.

      We would also like to look into the possibility of obtaining some dedicated hours from IT staff for integration and administration of the new cluster.  This will ease the administrative burden on faculty (who have borne it without compensation for several years without complaint).  One way of potentially filling this need would be to allocate student workers drawn from either work-study or our internship program, provided our faculty can set skill criteria and decide which students are eligible.

    Our current networking lab facilities are grossly overextended.  There are already over 40 contact hours a week scheduled in our single Networking Lab.  We are also working with CAPE to start a Cisco Certified Networking Academy to provide training for the Cisco CCNA certification.  Since such training will also require the use of this laboratory equipment, this will serve to exacerbate our existing scheduling woes.  With the addition of more PTECH students and our CAPE CCNA plans, we require additional lab space and resources if we are to continue to offer sufficient class sections to accommodate our expanding set of students.  Ideally, we would like to build a new networking laboratory space in Newburgh to serve these goals.  This would allow us to expand our course offerings at the Newburgh campus.  Currently we only offer introductory classes such as Computer Literacy, Applications, and HTML at Newburgh.  However, with a network lab there, we could begin to offer the Cybersecurity and Networking course sequences at the Newburgh campus.

A detailed summary of costs is described in the Resources tab.  Note that some of items may qualify to be purchased at a significant discount via Cisco Networking Academy lab "bundles."  We are currently seeking funding for this initiative.  Since we are embarking upon this as a joint venture with CAPE, we are working with Pete Soscia and David Kohn to identify potential funding sources.

NOTE:  due to the nature of the material being taught, our current networking laboratory in Middletown is on a subnet isolated from the remainder of the campus LAN.  It might be prudent to consider a similar arrangement at the Newburgh campus.

  Our store of patch and crossover cables used in Networking laboratory sessions is rapidly becoming depleted.  We need to purchase additional cables to replenish our cable sets.

BIOLOGY: Equipping/Installing a computer station with internet access and printer would markedly enhance student learning/tutoring sessions due to convenient access to Blackboard and other web-based resources.  Currently, such access while available in the Newburgh library, requires students/tutors to relocate venues on a continuing basis causing interruption and confusion. Student in our Middletown BATCAVERN already have access to such venue-specific stations.

A Micro-video System with a Flat Screen Monitor has proved most useful to students in Anatomy and Physiology Labs in Middletown and Newburgh.  Instructors teaching Introduction to Biology at Newburgh strongly advocate for a similar system to be used in acquainting their students with the detail of cellular, tissue, and organ structure, essential learning objectives of the course.  This is one of the most difficult concepts for students to master and the ability for the instructor to demonstrate tissue architecture to the group through this medium will be most helpful.  It is expected that this will greatly contribute to student success in this pivotal gateway course for pre-health profession students.  The requested equipment includes a microscope with a digital camera and a flat-screen TV monitor; current cost is approximately $3,750.

Fundamental understanding of biology requires hands-on critical observation of the detailed structures of living organisms, cells, tissues and organs at the microscopic level.  The microscope is basic equipment to any biology lab.  Currently, microscopes in service in our General Biology lab are quite old and have seen years of service during which lenses have become scratched and fogged to the extent that images are not clear and students are frustrated.  As General Biology I is the initial course in our A.S. Natural Science degree sequence, it is especially important that students have "engaging" opportunities for hands-on observation and inquiry.

BUSINESS:  NOTE: Before CIO B. MacDonald left, he expressed that this request be funded by $ provided to IT from the County.  In order to maintain industry-standard excellence in the AAS Accounting program, we must instruct on the latest accounting version of QuickBooks Financial Software.  This will fulfill our own Departmental Goal #1 as well as the College mission

MATH: Many of our classrooms have overhead projectors.  As these die off they will not be replaced.  We would like to have lady bugs (or a similar technology) in place of the overhead projectors. 

provide adequate space, computers, and office equipment for faculty

  1. provide office kiosks for adjuncts in HA 305 and HA 321
  2. provide new computers and furniture for newly hired faculty
  3. replace broken furniture.  We need to modernize our current offices.  HA 315, HA 311, HA 302A along with the adjunct spaces (HA 305 and HA 321) need a "face-lift"
  4. Work with facilities to create a "cleaner" environment

HA 313 is an outdated classroom with very old, small desks.  We actually had to bring in three desks for one particular class because three students could not fit in the desks.  This was very embarrassing for these students.  The chalkboard is unsafe with the way it slides up and down. 

SEA: The laboratory equipment at Kaplan is set up to run Elements of Chemistry (CHM120).  We would like to offer General Chemistry (CHM 105) and need to purchase some additional equipment and materials to do this.

Consequences of this initiative not being funded

APPLIED TECH: As the current equipment continues to degrade, we will be forced to have students share tools, increasing lab time and student aggravation.

Without suitable replacement kits, students will not be able to complete the laboratory component for this course.  In addition, the current cramped laboratory location and lack of sufficient kits artificially caps the number of students we can house in any particular section of this course.  A larger lab space and additional kits would allow us to raise the cap for this course and allow additional students to register.

Our current cloud system is beginning to show its age.  As we extend its use to more courses and a greater number of students, the stress on the system continues to grow.  In addition, our system is several iterations behind the current version, and our students need access to the most current technology.

As noted above, we will be unable to continue to offer the same level of service to students as we add students from PTECH and CAPE.  Our current Networking Lab (in Middletown) is overextended - there are more than 40 hours a week scheduled in this one lab for the Spring semester.

As patch cable supplies continue to dwindle without being replenished, students will have to remove cables from existing configurations (other groups from other classes), resulting in increased lab setup times.

BIOLOGY: Students taking 'Introduction to Biology' (BIO 110), or A & P I, II (BIO 111,112) will not have access to instructor generated materials on "Blackboard" during study and/or tutoring sessions.  This could have critical impact on student success in the courses and their ability to pursue further training in the health professions.

Student performance/success in Introduction to Biology (BIO 110) labs will be compromised.  Cell/tissue/organ structure is one of the most challenging aspects of this course and the ability to project microscopic images for all to see will greatly enhance student performance.  Historically, Introduction to Biology has the highest attrition rate of all departmental courses and it is evident from our experiences in A & P that such imaging technology is of great value in promoting student success and retention.

Students may not see specimens clearly leading to flawed understanding of cell, tissue and organ structures needed as a formative base of understanding.  Moreover, frustration due to an inability to see and interpret specimen structure appropriately may cause the student's enthusiasm for science to diminish and and they will change educational/career direction.

BUSINESS: Lack of student success in the accounting job field

MATH:  HA 313 is a waste of space.  We try not to use it but it is a convenient and large piece of real estate in our department.

SEA: We will not be able to offer General Chemistry at Newburgh without this equipment. 

Department GoalsTo build and maintain safe, accessible and sustainable facilities that support the learning environment. (College Goal #6), Focus on increasing student retention, completion, transfer and employment readiness. (Strategic Plan P2, O2), Create and sustain an innovative, inclusive and collaborative approach to academic technology decisions and processes. (AMP Virtualization O1)
LocationsMain Campus, Newburgh Campus
Estimated Completion Date
Will this initiative span multiple budget years?No
Funding Source
Created01/03/2017 1:55 pm
Updated01/04/2017 11:34 am

Institutional Goals

Goal How will the initiative support this institutional goal?
maintaining quality and currency of the laboratory experience.
It will allow students taking Intro to Biology (BIO 110) or A & P I and II (BIO 111 and 112) to have access to instructor-generated materials on Blackboard during study and/or tutorial sessions in the Newburgh BATCAVERN. This, in turn, will have critical impact on student success in their courses.
See below.
maintaining quality and currency of the laboratory experience.
maintaining quality and currency of the laboratory experience.
maintaining quality and currency of the laboratory experience.
Since our labs for many courses are now delivered via virtual machines, it becomes possible to support several of our course in a distance learning format. An external (Internet facing) network connection and a security audit would be required.
Cloud Computing has seen phenomenal growth over the past several years, and the number of jobs is increasing annually. Offering students training in this area will greatly increase their employability.
This would be one of the most technologically advanced endeavors the college has yet pursued. It would put us at the leading edge of this emerging technology.
Our OpenStack cluster has become the main delivery system for many of our core courses. This virtualization system allows us to present multiple Operating Systems and software configurations on a single computing platform.
Our OpenStack cluster has become the core technology through which we deliver many of our courses. Some new programs (e.g. Cloud Computing) will be impossible to implement without it.
This laboratory space is designed to be in collaboration with CAPE.
Once we have established partnerships with vendors like vmWare and RedHat, we can offer cloud and virtualization courses via CAPE.
This would be one of the most technologically advanced endeavors the college has yet pursued. It would put us at the leading edge of this emerging technology.
Since our labs for many courses are now delivered via virtual machines, it becomes possible to support several of our course in a distance learning format. An external (Internet facing) network connection and a security audit would be required.

Action Steps

Action Step Responsible Party Order
Purchase and install computer and related hardware in Newburgh BATCAVERN Department Chair with support of our Technical Assistant and the IT Department 1
Research, procure appropriate microvideo system and identify appropriate vendor. Review bids and place order. Biology Department Chair and Biology Technical Assistant 2
Purchase the latest version of Intuit QuickBooks Financial software. Chair, Business Department 3
Develop a rolling inventory of the equipment that needs to be replaced/updated Chair Science & Engineering 4
Buy replacement equipment based on assessment. Chair Science & Engineering 5

Expected Outcomes

Outcome Order
More effective support of students taking 'Introduction to Biology' and related coursework. Greater student achievement and retention. 1
A Micro-video system/flat screen monitor for the Newburgh Intro to Biology lab will allow instructors to acquaint their students with the detail of cellular, tissue and organ structure.This will allow students to succeed in critical learning objectives. 2
Student satisfaction with industry standard instruction.and job potential 3
To to provide access to advanced chemistry courses at Newburgh. 4

Assessment Methods

Method Description Other Method Responsible Party
Other Enter other assessment method Log number of students utilizing facilities, tutor and student evaluations re effectiveness and course assessment data. Newburgh Biology Faculty and Coordinator of Academic Support and Middletown BATCAVERN Technical Assistant
Student Surveys: Satisfaction Need Surveys can be developed internally and administered to assess student frequency, importance, need and satisfaction institution’s staff, office and services and programming. Businsess Department Chair
Institutional Data Review both program and student data that is collected at the institutional level. Data can include program enrollment, retention, transfer, student GPA, etc. student feedback via surveys. Chair and Staff


INITIAL YEAR COST: $1,234,004.57


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
20 Serial Cables $400.00
  • Workforce Student Support
  • Computer Science and Technology
10 APC NetShelter SX 42U Deep Rack Enclosures $15980.00
  • Computer Science and Technology
10 HP JL254A#ABA 2930F 48G 4SFP+ Switches $49239.80
  • Computer Science and Technology
10 HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen9 - Xeon E5-2640V4 Servers $86848.40
  • Computer Science and Technology
10 Tripp Lite 16-Port Rack Console Cat5 KVM Switch $13199.90
  • Computer Science and Technology
10 Tripp Lite 3000VA 2400W UPSs $12199.90
  • Computer Science and Technology
10 Tripp Lite 8 Pack KVM Switch USB $649.90
  • Computer Science and Technology
16 laboratory kits $17600.00
  • Computer Science and Technology
16 Lenovo Nextscale n1200 enclosures (with 6 NeXtScale nx360 M5 2x Xeon Modules each) $586624.00
  • Computer Science and Technology
20 Cisco 2911 Routers $49799.80
  • Workforce Student Support
  • Computer Science and Technology
20 Cisco 2960 Switches $48800.00
  • Workforce Student Support
  • Computer Science and Technology
20 computer stations - there may already be a usable lab in Newburgh (e.g. TWR 212) $0.00
  • Workforce Student Support
  • Computer Science and Technology
20 computer stations for lab - TBD $0.00
20 Dual WIC Cards $8479.80
  • Workforce Student Support
  • Computer Science and Technology
20 Patch Blocks (for each computer station) $800.00
  • Workforce Student Support
  • Computer Science and Technology
20 Rollover Cables $240.00
  • Workforce Student Support
  • Computer Science and Technology
20 Tripp Lite Metered PDUs 15A, 16 Outlet $1979.80
  • Computer Science and Technology
20 USB to serial converters $400.00
  • Workforce Student Support
  • Computer Science and Technology
4 Adjunct Kiosk and 1 large table for HA 305 $2980.00
  • Mathematics
4 Dell Storage SCv2020 SANs $91964.00
  • Computer Science and Technology
4 Patch Panels $600.00
  • Workforce Student Support
  • Computer Science and Technology
4 Racks $6392.00
  • Workforce Student Support
  • Computer Science and Technology
4 UPS $4879.96
  • Workforce Student Support
  • Computer Science and Technology
5 Cable Testers $125.00
  • Workforce Student Support
  • Computer Science and Technology
5 Cabling Kits (crimpers, diagonals, etc.) $375.00
  • Computer Science and Technology
8 PDUs $791.92
  • Workforce Student Support
  • Computer Science and Technology
Approx. $20,000 for 15 microscopes or $6,500 for 5 microscopes each year over the next three years. $6500.00 / 6500.00 (1st year)
  • Biology
Assorted Patch cables of varying length and color $2000.00
  • Computer Science and Technology
Cloud Computing and OpenStack training for faculty $50000.00
  • Computer Science and Technology
Crossover Cables $400.00
  • Workforce Student Support
  • Computer Science and Technology
Estimate $3,750 $3750.00
  • Academic Support Middletown
  • Biology
  • Information Services & Network Infrastructure
F5 BIG-IP Application Security Manager 2000S $15939.99
  • Computer Science and Technology
HA 315. 305, 302A (FT Faculty offices) - New desks for faculty, chairs, file cabinets, and student desks. $14980.00
  • Mathematics
Instructor desk $620.00
  • Mathematics
Internet computer station with printer $1000.00
  • Academic Support Middletown
  • Biology
  • Information Services & Network Infrastructure
Ladibug projectors (10) $6500.00
  • Mathematics
Office dividers with glass $0.00
  • Mathematics
Patch Cables of various lengths and colors $1000.00
  • Computer Science and Technology
Replacement and maintenance $110000.00
Six adjunct kiosk and two large student table for HA 317 $4720.00
  • Mathematics
Student chairs (30) $5730.00
  • Mathematics
Student desks (30) $3545.40
  • Mathematics
Update equipment in science classrooms $270.00
  • Science Engineering and Architecture
Variety of patch cables of varying length $5000.00
  • Workforce Student Support
  • Computer Science and Technology
TOTAL: $1,233,304.57 / $6,500.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
Cabling and facilities costs (network cabling, HVAC, electric) - TBD $0.00
  • Workforce Student Support
  • Computer Science and Technology
Clear stadium seating $0.00
New Laboratory location with sufficient facilities (power, networking, HVAC) - TBD $0.00
  • Computer Science and Technology
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
QuickBooks Financial Software $700.00
  • Information Technology, CIO Office
TOTAL: $700.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


Need Cost (Initial/Recurring) Supporting Departments
TOTAL: $0.00 / $0.00


This initiative is not ready for prioritization.

  • Please enter How the initiative will support the chosen goals
  • Please enter Supporting Departments for all Resources


DateDepartment NameStatusCost to DateFunding Source 
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