2017 - 2018 Academic Advising Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 12/06/2016 12:23 pm by Talia Llosa

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The Academic Advising Office will continue to work on supporting students’ academic success as they transition to the College by building upon the information shared during the New START (New Student Advising and Registration Tutorial). The New START introduces students to college resources, academic advising, academic expectations, and important deadlines. The First Year Support team will continue to establish itself as students’ first point of contact regarding their readiness to college. The team will continue to pursue subsequent follow up meetings after classes begin to provide any necessary support to our first semester students.

To make our advising conversations more relevant to students, advisors will utilize the College Student Inventory (CSI) developed by Noel Levitz. The CSI is a self-assessment tool designed for freshmen to help them reflect on their personal, social, and academic experience and their adjustment to college. This inventory will assist in the development and exploration of their educational goals and raise awareness about the resources available to help them achieve those goals. The CSI will help enhance our communication with students and assist in our outreach and retention effort. We will continue to introduce and promote advising tools to empower students to make informed decisions and facilitate their self-sufficiency in anticipation of their assignment to faculty advisors. The Academic Advising Office will continue to work with the Academics Division to facilitate students’ transition from the general advising office to students’ respective academic departments. Regarding our advising services in Newburgh, hiring reception staff who would triage students going to the Advising queue would enhance the quality of our services and streamline student traffic. 

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Facilitate students' successful transition to college.
2 Work with the Academics Division to establish a hand-off process whereby students transition from working with advisors in the First Year Support team in the general advising office to their faculty advisors in respective academic departments.
3 Introduce advising tools and processes to help students chart their academic progress and stay on track toward degree completion.
4 Devise means to engage students in their studies while utilizing online and on-campus resources.
5 Utilize students' feedback to enhance advising services.


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.