2025 - 2026 Biology Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 01/09/2025 12:31 pm by Arlene Stefane

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The Biology Department serves a large and diverse population of students on both Middletown and Newburgh campuses offering approximately 110 lecture/lab sections in more than a dozen subject areas in both Fall and Spring Semesters.  The Department offers an A.S. Degree in Math and Natural Science (Biology Concentration) fielding relevant courses in General Biology I (BIO 101), General Biology II (BIO 102), Genetics (BIO 201), Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (BIO 202), General Botany (BIO 204) and General Ecology (BIO 205).  The Department also offers supporting coursework for students preparing for a variety of Health Professions Programs (Introduction to Biology (BIO 110), Anatomy and Physiology I and II (BIO 111,112) Human Biology (BIO 115).  Additionally, the Biology Department offers a wide-range of General Education Courses as science electives for students pursuing various liberal arts degree programs. 

Faculty Resources Re Instructional Capacity

  It is evident from review of enrollment data that there is a large and increasing population of students enrolling in our courses which impacts our instructional capacity such that strategic growth will not be sustainable without hiring a new, full-time, tenure-track faculty member.  This need is imperative particularly given the fact that our adjuncts (˜12) are teaching to capacity while key full-time faculty are teaching for 'extra comp'.

Instructional Resources

1)Acquire Anatomical Models for Middletown A & P I and II Labs as Listed

2) Acquire Sets of Microscopic Specimens to Support Introduction Biology Labs

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Acquire Anatomical Models for Middletown A & P I & II Labs as Listed
2 Acquire Sets of Microscopic Specimens to Support Introduction to Biology Labs
3 Full-Time Biology Faculty Position
4 . To provide high quality academic courses and programs that prepare a diverse student population to achieve its educational, employment and enrichment goals.


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.