2022 - 2023 Academic Support Middletown Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 11/19/2021 3:05 pm by Brooke Ellsworth

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The Center for Student Success provides student support services on the Middletown and Newburgh campuses as well as online.  The 2021-2022 plan herein will be comprised of goals and initiatives for both campus centers.  

The Center for Student Success (CSS) offers programming for students starting with their initial transition to college through to degree completion.  The CSS is dedicated to supporting students in achieving optimal learning in their courses, to attain their academic goals, and to become confident, independent learners.  We strive to contribute to SUNY Orange's role in providing accessible, welcoming, and holistic support tailored to student needs.  

This upcoming academic year, we will continue the goals from the previous year: 1) The ongoing assessment of current services in terms of accessibility and eliminating barriers for students; 2) The expansion of current services to address student needs holistically; 3) The expansion of technological access and functionality to standardize online learning support alongside on-campus learning support.  Building on the enhancements that have taken place under the 2020-2021 plan, we will also continue to examine and identify student support processes in order to develop systematic connections to other student service areas.

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Support the recommendations of the Guided Pathways Initiative and Title V.
2 Engage a holistic, student-centered approach to learning and success; expand support services to address the gap of college readiness for First Year students.
3 Enhance access to hybrid support services in order to provide quality services to both on campus and online students.
4 Partner and collaborate with departments across the college to create cohesion across support services, maximize the use of internal resources, and eliminate redundancies in services.
5 Identify and reduce barriers to student support services; prioritize the improvement and ease of support access.
6 Develop and utilize data-driven assessment to inform support programming decisions that impact overall student retention.
7 Increase outreach and awareness of student academic support services.
8 Foster a working environment for staff and tutors that values diversity, growth mindset, and continuous improvement; increase staff retention.


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.