2021 - 2022 Education Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 11/12/2020 3:23 pm by Katherine Sinsabaugh

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This year, the Education Department hopes to continue keeping the needs of new students, particularly those enrolled in gateway courses, in mind.  We hope to work together with the Student Success Center to provide even more support for students than we can offer in our department.  Additionally, we recognize the importance of accessibility for all students, and hope to increase the accessibility of our website and course materials for students.  The Education Department shares a learning community with Human Services.  To that end, we hope to work collaboratively with Human Services to identify common goals within our shared learning community.  The current global pandemic has severely limited our students' ability to engage in field observations and placements.  With uncertainty ahead, we hope to work with local area schools and child care centers to investigate opportunities for partnerships that may benefit our students and the children in our partners' school systems.

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Work closely with the Student Success Center to help provide students who are taking gateway courses with a variety of support.
2 Work toward greater accessibility for all students both on our website and in course shells.
3 Collaborate with Human Services to identify common goals within our shared learning community.
4 Work with local area school districts and early childhood centers to investigate new opportunities for partnerships.


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.