The Education Department carefully crafted this year's goals to be in close alignment with the college's 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Education Department faculty work hard to sustain and empower the college's mission and goals. The department aspires to be student-centered at all times, but particularly as it relates to teaching, assessment, advisement, and scheduling.
This year, we hope to expand our online and evening course offerings to meet the varying needs of today's students. Although the pandemic was (and continues to be) difficult in many ways, a positive departmental outcome of this time involves the department's increased training and comfort level with remote teaching and learning.
Although the department recognizes the importance of offering various modalities for courses, we also feel strongly that an increased on-campus presence is key. To that end, we hope to increase levels of community engagement this year, by getting back to hosting valuable education-related events on campus.
In our continued effort to partner with the Lab School, the department also hopes to expand applied learning opportunities for our early childhood students in that setting. This will likely involve exploring our role in the possible NAEYC accreditation of the Lab School.
Finally, the department hopes to explore existing articulations with four year institutions, as well as investigating new possibilities for articulations that could benefit our students.