2021 - 2022 Mathematics Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 11/02/2020 4:34 pm by Josh Lavorgna

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The Mathematics Department is guided by the College Mission and Goals.  Our plan is to continue to provide academic excellence to all students, regardless of course level, major, etc.  We are a team and family oriented department striving to do the best for our students.

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Placement Test Modifications
2 Maintain high quality Mathematics Faculty and Courses
3 Maintain safe, accessible and sustainable Mathematics Department facilities that support the learning enviornment
4 Support College-wide goals
5 Maintain collegial rapport for the Mathematics Department and support professional growth of the department and faculty


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.