2017 - 2018 Science Engineering and Architecture Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 10/27/2016 2:49 pm by John Wolbeck

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Hire a full-time tenure track Architect  to replace professor Andrew Magnes (left SP 2015).

Hire a full-time tenure track Physicist/Engineer to address the increasing demand for engineering offerings and to replace professor emeritus J. Cummins (left SP 2016).

Hire a full-time tenure track Geologist  to replace Lawrence O'Brien (retired Sp 2016). 

Hire a full-time tenure track Chemist to address the increasing demand for chemistry offerings at both Middletown and Newburgh.

Develop an Earth Science course which will provide liberal arts students with an entry level course in geologic science. 

Increase daytime science course offerings at Newburgh to support General Education and Health Professions requirements.

Continue the assessment cycle for our  2 degrees and 3 tracks.

Increase/improve the departments web presence. 

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Goal 1 A. Provide a high quality, rigorous and meaningful Engineering curricula which will prepare students for transfer to upper division universities.
2 Goal 1B. Provide a high quality, rigorous and meaningful Architectural curricula which will prepare students for transfer to upper division universities or entrance into the global workforce.
3 Goal 1C. Provide a high quality, rigorous and meaningful A.S. Tracks in Chemistry, Geology, and Physics curricula which will prepare students for transfer to upper division universities.
4 Goal 1D. Provide a high quality, rigorous and meaningful Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Physics and Physical Science curricula which supports SUNY’s general education requirements as well as the requirements of students seeking degrees outside the dept.
5 Goal 2. Hire, develop and retain diverse, high quality faculty and staff to engage and support students in science, engineering and architectural education, research and development.
6 Goal 3: Be recognized as having the most outstanding science, engineering and architectural programs among our peers locally and regionally, and to enhance the departments visibility both within and outside of the college.
7 Goal 4. Maintain knowledge, experiential, and technological currency in our programs.
8 Goal 5. Contribute to the economic and social development of the county, region, state and nation by maintaining mutually beneficial partnerships with the public and private sectors.


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.