2018 - 2019 English Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 11/30/2017 10:47 am by Patricia Sculley

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As the College begins to explore the possibility of revised scheduling, accelerated courses , and the possibilities presented by the Guided Pathways model, the English Department will continue to research and implement innovative ways of delivering developmental coursework as well as offer more options for successful completion of freshman composition offerings.  This will involve professional development opportunities, increased technological support, and continued collaboration with other departments.  In addition, the Department intends to focus on creation of clearer and more effective placement and entry courses for non-native speakers seeking a degree.  This will involve collaboration with CAPE as well as possible creation of new curricula within the department.

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Research, plan, and implement initiatives to accelerate student progress toward completion of academic goals
2 Plan for renovation of English Department facilities that support the learning environment
3 Increase support for writing across the curriculum
4 Promote the study of the Humanities through department sponsored activities and collaboration with other departments within the Liberal Arts Division


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.

Initiative Title Importance  
8 computer carts furnished with 25 lap tops each for Harriman and Kaplan classrooms High
hire two full-time faculty members to fill the currently "frozen" line as well as a 2017 retirement High
Provide training to both full and part time instructors in preparation for teaching the Integrated Reading & Writing 2 and additional sections of Enhanced Freshman English with support High
Purchase new classroom student desks for HA 101, 103, 105, 107, 109 High
Purchase of new laser printer for BT 260 (Tech Writing Consultancy) High
Continue to collaborate with CAPE in designing a seamless pathway for college matriculation of non-native speakers Medium
Expand Learning Communities to include students in Integrated Reading & Writing with additional discipline-based cohorts and to increase the sections of Integrated Reading & Writing and ENG 101 with support course sections Medium
Expand the services offered by the Technical Writing Consultancy to include the Newburgh Campus Medium
Locate and furnish a dedicated space for department adjuncts to work and hold office hours/conferences with students. Medium
Collaborate with other departments in the Division as well as Cultural Affairs in sponsoring events that align with monthly national observances such as Black History Month, Women's Study month, etc Low
Obtain a new budget line to finance Department sponsored literary events as well as an adjunct orientation and reception at the start of each academic year Low