2023 - 2024 Human Resources, AVP Office Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 02/09/2023 7:25 pm by Iris Martinez-Davis

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SUNY Orange's strategic plan directs its stakeholders to improve the effectiveness of our human resources and employee experiences. Human Resources (HR) and the Payroll Team (Payroll) will be utilizing data that will empower and enable us to serve our employees more effectively.  We will be calculating, reviewing and analyzing several data points. 

Human Resources and Payroll have been gathering ‘customer satisfaction’ information on an ad hoc basis this past year.  The goal of gathering this information is to measure on a micro level our performance, quality, and efficiency when interacting with our employees. This data will be utilized this year to enhance and streamline processes.  Our ad hoc satisfaction surveys include key performance indicators such as: how satisfied the employee was, timely of response to inquiry, and first contact resolution.

In addition, HR will look to consistently analyze and report the following Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Average time to recruit, retention of talent by bargaining unit, absenteeism by bargaining unit, and cost to hire by bargaining unit, turnover rates by bargaining unit and general employee satisfaction.

HR will assist in implementing a civility awareness program based on our civility statement.

The previous year's goal of establishing a supervisory/managerial leadership development program to educate department leaders on best practices for establishing improved communication, ways to foster collaboration, and the meaning of civility in the workplace remain extremely relevant and important to the Human Resources department.   Addressing skill and knowledge gaps through training strengthens the skills supervisors and managers need to do their jobs effectively, professionally, confidently, and with civility.   Training and continued guidance creates a workplace culture that can make both leaders and their subordinates feel valued, appreciated, supported, and challenged.  Employees who feel appreciated and challenged through training opportunities tend to feel greater job satisfaction. Robust training and development programs ensure that employees have a consistent experience and are well versed in expectations, policies, and procedures. In addition, Human Resources is intent on collaborating with Staff & Chair leadership to Implement components of 'dare to lead' philosophy  into the supervisory training. 


Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Develop Supervisor/Managerial Leadership and Civility Program that aligns with Civility Statement
2 Incorporate 'dare to lead' philosophies into supervisory training program.
3 Utilize cost of hire data to streamline hiring expenses and promote efficient and cost effective hiring practices
4 Utilize turnover data and exit interviews to develop a retention plan
5 Utilize HR data points to establish actionable items that will improve HR efficiency
6 Utilize customer service data from Payroll/and HR surveys to improve processes


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.