2017 - 2018 Liberal Arts, AVP Office Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 01/05/2017 1:34 pm by Stacey Moegenburg

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The Liberal Arts Division is committed to delivering high-quality educational experiences for our students. While each degree program within the division has specific outcomes to achieve, broadly, the academic and extracurricular offerings within the Liberal Arts division focus on student success, retention and intellectual growth. Academic advising, individual courses, programs, extracurricular activities and student support offered throughout the division ultimately prepare students for successful transfer to a four-year institution and / or for the workplace.

For Academic Year 2017-2018, focus will be on these areas, all of which align with both the Academic Master Plan and the College's Strategic Plan:

Increase student success and retention through initiatives, pilots and support; Intentionally plan and develop student cohorts; Provide opportunities to showcase student work; Coordinate and streamline offerings, activities, and spaces; Bolster each program's learning outcomes; Plan technology use and treat as a continuum; Highlight connections between programs and the greater community (as a method of friend-building and maintaining currency).

Individual departmental plans revealed the following themes that require resources in order to achieve stated goals:

Facilities improvement

Technology & Equipment

Professional Development within departments

Student Support

Cohort development


Outreach / friend-building

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Increase student success and retention through initiatives, pilots and support (AMP Sch O1, O2; SE O3; V O3, O4, O5; PS O3))
2 Intentionally plan and develop student cohorts (AMP PS O1, O2; SE O1, O2, O3; Sch O3)
3 Showcase student work (AMP SE O1, O4)
4 Coordinate and streamline offerings, activities, and spaces (AMP PS O3; Prep O1, O2, O3, O4; Sch O1, O2, V O4; SE O3)
5 Bolster each program's learning outcomes (AMP P O1, O2, O3, O4)
6 Plan technology use and treat as a continuum (AMP V O1, O3, O4)
7 Highlight connections between programs and the greater community (as a method of friend-building) (AMP PS O1; P O3, O5)


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.