2023 - 2024 Workforce Student Support Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 11/21/2022 5:36 pm by David Kohn

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CAPE PLAN 2022-2023

SUNY Orange Continuing and Professional Education (CAPE) seeks to extend the resources of the College to the various constituencies it serves through non-credit professional development, college preparation, and workforce development opportunities with targeted, measurable goals and outcomes and to provide the highest quality learning environment and support services for educational programs and activities. To serve CAPE's varied student population, we recruit diverse faculty with extensive experience and education.

CAPE’s provides:

  • Customized Training courses to local business and industry
  • Career training courses to community members seeking industry certification or advancement
  • Workforce development training
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) courses for limited English speakers
  • High School Equivalency (HSE) completion and test preparation courses for those who have not completed high school
  • Career Development and College Preparation courses
  • Remedial skills courses for those needing basic reading, writing, and math skills

CAPE seeks to:

  • Work on a seamless transition for non-credit students to enter College academic programs
  • Demonstrate financial self-sufficiency and increase the College's resources and capacity
  • Increase educational opportunities available through CAPE
  • Build strong partnerships and collaborations with local employers and community organizations
  • Increase connections within the College community
  • Assist the College in building effective promotion and awareness
  • Enhance professional growth opportunities for CAPE staff and faculty
  • Strengthen institutional effectiveness efforts / operational excellence

One can interpret adult education as an entity responsive to changing societal and economic conditions. Future prosperity is largely in the hands of a public higher education system that should not defend the status quo, but rather support and protect its service area and citizens. 

Workforce equity is when the workforce is inclusive of people of color and other marginalized or underrepresented groups at a rate representative of a specific area at all levels of employment; where institutional and structural barriers impacting employee attraction, selection, participation and retention have been eliminated, enabling opportunity for employment success and career growth.

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Strengthen leadership in regional workforce development, economic growth, and quality of life in our communities by providing an educated and skilled workforce while addressing business and industry needs and workforce equity
2 Develop strategies for aligning credit/non-credit programs to address workforce needs, new opportunities, and resource allocation
3 Formulate financial strategies that are resilient to market, economic, environmental, and political forces while increasing access, and understanding and use of timely and relevant information reports and research
4 Build a strong, collaborative team that is creative, forward thinking, solution-oriented, and respectful of the individuality and diversity of department and external members
5 Create transparent sustainable organizational systems and structures while embracing systematic continuous improvement and conducting ongoing operational assessments


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.