2015 - 2016 Workforce Student Support Plan

A general statement (narrative) about what the department wants to accomplish.

Last updated on: 03/23/2015 8:30 am by David Kohn

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SUNY Orange Continuing and Professional Education (CAPE) seeks to extend the resources of the College to the various constituencies it serves through non-credit professional development, college preparation, and enrichment opportunities with targeted, measurable goals and outcomes and to provide the highest quality learning environment and support services for educational programs and activities. To serve CAPE's varied student population, we recruit diverse faculty with extensive experience and education.

CAPE’s programs and courses relate to the following:

  • Basic skills courses for those needing basic reading, writing, and math skills
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) courses for limited English speakers
  • High school equivalency completion and test preparation courses for those not completing high school
  • Enrichment courses providing fee-based professional and personal enrichment classes
  • Contract Education courses customized to the specific needs of business and industry
  • Career and Technical courses to community members seeking industry certification or advancement
  • Career Development and College Preparation courses.

CAPE functions as an integral part of SUNY Orange, providing transitional pathways to college. By creating partnerships with departments, colleges, programs, businesses, industry and the community here and throughout the region, CAPE strengthens its role in the College, the community, the state, and the world, by building a well-educated workforce and by stimulating economic growth through education. CAPE is staffed by professional and competent personnel, who strive to serve the best interests of students.

Department Goals

Specific things the department wishes to achieve or accomplish this academic year.

# Department Goal
1 Demonstrate financial self-sufficiency and increase the College's resources and capacity
2 Increase educational opportunities available through CAPE
3 Build strong partnerships and collaborations with external organizations
4 Increase connections within the College community
5 Build effective promotion and awareness
6 Enhance professional growth opportunities for CAPE staff and faculty
7 Strengthen institutional effectiveness efforts / operational excellence
8 Work on a seamless transition for ESL students to enter the credit side of the college


Projects or processes that would assist you in achieving one or more of your goals this academic year.

Initiative Title Importance  
Allow CAPE Students and Instructors access Banner High
co-sponsor program with Diagnostic Imaging department High
Continue to collaborate with Council of Industry, SUNY Ulster to offer programming to Council members through SUNY Workforce Development Training Grant program. High
Continue to develop and offer training programs for the Healthcare industry, partnering with them and possibly unions representing their workers. High
Continue to partner with other community colleges to offer programs needed by client organizations in multiple counties in New York State. High
Create partnerships with other HVEC partners & other colleges High
Develop new Banner Reports through Cognos High
Develop new CAPE Institutional Measures and identify reporting mechanism to obtain data High
Develop new DDP database High
ESL Pathways to College High
partner with other SUNY Orange departments High
Review Academic Affairs and Student Services Policies to determine impact on CAPE High
Conduct a marketing analysis to determine increased marketing for CASAC Program Medium
develop two new real estate continuing ed courses Medium
Increase attainment of degrees, certifications, certificates, diplomas, and other industry-recognized credentials Medium
Support the design and delivery of employer sponsored work-based training models Medium
Actively develop relationships with local manufacturing companies Low
Conduct a market analysis to determine the need/feasability of re-introducing the Pre-Licensing program Low
Continue Issuing Marilyn Wheeler Fund Awards Low
Enhance the New Construction Gas Operator Technician Training Program Low
Review and recreate student and instructor evaluations Low
Sector Strategy Facilitation and Planning Low
Transitioning to the Common Core High School Equivalency curriculum Low