Emergency notification speakers
$20,000.00 / $0.00 |
Security |
Purchase and repair cameras.
$20,000.00 / $0.00 |
Security |
Vent Hoods in Organic Lab
$20,500.00 / $0.00 |
Science Engineering and Architecture AS Enginerring Science Degree Related Course Offerings General Education |
Instructional Resources - Microscopes for A & P I (BIO 111) Labs
$6,250.00 / $6,250.00 |
Biology AS Math Science |
Classroom Technology Upgrades
$125,000.00 / $0.00 |
Information Technology, CIO Office |
Preventive Maintenance Newburgh Campus
$20,000.00 / $0.00 |
Security |
Preventive Maintenance Middletown Campus
$20,000.00 / $0.00 |
Security |
Purchase X-ray anatomical phantom for Positioning, Principles of Radiographic Exposure and Quality Assurance
$31,000.00 / $0.00 |
Diagnostic Imaging |
Maintain Communication among Security Personnel
$5,000.00 / $0.00 |
Security |
Replace all old wooden chairs in lab rooms
$14,500.00 / $0.00 |
Clinical Laboratory Science |
3 computer carts furnished with 25 lap tops each for Harriman and Kaplan classrooms
$50,000.00 / $0.00 |
English |
Support to the Peer Advising Program
$25,000.00 / $25,000.00 |
Academic Advising |
Re-Institute Group Visitation Program
$10,000.00 / $10,000.00 |
Admissions and Recruitment |
Continue to build upon the progress we made with our CRM
$15,000.00 / $15,000.00 |
Admissions and Recruitment |
LED Lighting System Upgrade
$200,000.00 / $0.00 |
Arts and Communication |
Proctor Positions
$28,800.00 / $28,800.00 |
Testing Center |
To obtain the EXXAT Comprenhensive program to manage clinical fieldwork sites and scheduling, this system interfaces with the AOTA required Fieldstack evaluation tool.
$5,000.00 / $5,000.00 |
Occupational Therapy AAS OTA |
1. Find appropriate space / facilities to relocate honors
$15,500.00 / $2,500.00 |
Honors Program |
Implementation of Transfer Articulation within Banner
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Records and Registration |
Dedicated Testing Center in Newburgh
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Testing Center |
New dosimeter technology for faculty and students
$1,500.00 / $1,500.00 |
Diagnostic Imaging AAS Rad Tech |
Create a Workforce Development Strategic Plan; Real-Time Labor Market Information Subscription Pilot
$16,000.00 / $16,000.00 |
Workforce Student Support |
Drafting tables for HA 113 Art Studio.
$11,000.00 / $0.00 |
Arts and Communication |
Institute funding for Student Ambassador Program
$10,000.00 / $10,000.00 |
Admissions and Recruitment |
Equity, Inclusion & Diversity Training
$0.00 / $1,000.00 |
Center for Teaching and Learning |
Update English Department classrooms with the modern equivalent of white boards, ladybug cameras, smart HDMI projectors, blu ray technology, and room-darkening shades
$27,890.00 / $0.00 |
English |
Purchase new classroom student desks for HA 101, 103, 105, 107, 109
$45.00 / $0.00 |
English |
Continue to utilize the College Student Inventory
$14,500.00 / $0.00 |
Academic Advising |
Software Solutions for Holistic Support
$695.00 / $75.00 |
Academic Support Middletown |
Upgrade Simulation and on-Campus Multi-sensory Lab equipment to current standards, include warranties for sustainability
$450,000.00 / $0.00 |
Nursing AAS Nursing-Day AAS Nursing-Evening |
Provide an alternate means of testing for students who have earned their HSE/GED and students who wish to retest.
$2,000.00 / $2,000.00 |
Mathematics |
Student Success Program
$90,000.00 / $90,000.00 |
Nursing AAS Nursing-Day AAS Nursing-Evening |
Internship Program ~ Career Resources & Closet
$500.00 / $100.00 |
Center for Teaching and Learning |
Prepare to partner ESL and HSE students for professional certification
$30,000.00 / $30,000.00 |
Workforce Student Support ESL Workforce Development / HSE |
Refurbish Orange Hall 26.
$3,000.00 / $0.00 |
Arts and Communication |
To promote and offer the coursework for the AS Healthcare Administration degree program.
$8,000.00 / $0.00 |
Business |
Interlibrary loan scanner and software
$12,694.00 / $0.00 |
Library |
To replace/update Smart Board technology in Harriman Hall Second Floor Classrooms
$10,000.00 / $0.00 |
Business AS Accounting AAS Accounting Technician AAS Office Technologies Cert. Accounting Procedures AS Business Administration AAS Business Management AAS Medical Office Assistant |
Google Workplace to Microsoft 365 Migration
$200,000.00 / $0.00 |
Information Technology, CIO Office |
First Year Experience Program
$6,650.00 / $6,650.00 |
Academic Support Middletown |
2. Fund a budget line for student experiential learning opportunities
$10,000.00 / $10,000.00 |
Honors Program |
To provide funding and support for memberships in organizations that are important for degree programs.
$775.00 / $775.00 |
Business AS Accounting AAS Accounting Technician AAS Office Technologies AS Business Administration AAS Business Management AAS Medical Office Assistant |
Upgrade Visual Communications lab (OH 39)
$8,000.00 / $0.00 |
Arts and Communication |
3. Expand financial support and scholarships opportunities for students
$755,500.00 / $755,500.00 |
Honors Program |
Bridging Student Support Services
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Academic Support Middletown |
Implement Recently Purchased Virtualization Development Server (VDS)
$0.01 / $0.00 |
Computer Science and Technology |
Promote under-represented gender and ethnic groups interest in STEM Careers
$3,500.00 / $0.00 |
Science Engineering and Architecture |
3. Fund a budget line for student and faculty experiential learning opportunities, including conferences
$10,000.00 / $10,000.00 |
Interdisciplinary Studies |
Create process and timeline for CASAC students who qualify for Short Term Pell Grants upon federal approval
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Workforce Student Support Driving/CASAC |
Increase Professional Development
$2,500.00 / $2,600.00 |
Academic Support Middletown |
2. Complete the development of a leadership certificate
$750.00 / $0.00 |
Interdisciplinary Studies |
Continuing Education Course Work and graduating student review course
$5,000.00 / $5,000.00 |
Physical Therapy |
Purchase equipment to produce a monthly department podcast
$940.00 / $810.00 |
English |
Purchase Niche Student Experience
$9,900.00 / $9,900.00 |
Admissions and Recruitment |
Update another HA-3rd Floor Classroom
$5,000.00 / $0.00 |
Mathematics |
Technology Seminar Series
$2,000.00 / $0.00 |
Computer Science and Technology |
Interdisciplinary Event
$600.00 / $0.00 |
Cultural Affairs |
Temporary part-time TRIO Success Coach
$17,726.00 / $0.00 |
TRiO Student Support Services |
Streaming Equipment for New Media
$53,000.00 / $0.00 |
Arts and Communication |
Guided Pathways Professional Development & Speaker Series
$5,000.00 / $0.00 |
Center for Teaching and Learning |
Endowed Lecture Series
$10,000.00 / $10,000.00 |
Cultural Affairs |
Biology Student Lounge
$2,500.00 / $0.00 |
Biology |
Develop CAPE course for 3-D printing/ Rapid Prototyping.
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Science Engineering and Architecture |
Develop Digital Sculpture (3-D printing) course
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Science Engineering and Architecture |
Women's Restroom Facilities
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Mathematics |
Office Facilities
$22,680.00 / $0.00 |
Mathematics |
1. Create a cultural studies degree with several areas of concentration from which a student could choose
$200.00 / $0.00 |
Interdisciplinary Studies |
ITS Governance Structure Implementation
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Information Technology, CIO Office |
TRiO Resource Center Lounge Expansion
$9,684.90 / $0.00 |
TRiO Student Support Services |
Course Coordination Stipend
$2,000.00 / $2,000.00 |
Biology |
4. Create and fill a new honors assistant coordinator position
$6,000.00 / $6,000.00 |
Honors Program |
Identity Management Lifecycle Implementation
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Information Technology, CIO Office |
IT Master Plan
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Information Technology, CIO Office |
Training of Building Safety Volunteers
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Security |
Microfilm Conversion
$188,733.44 / $0.00 |
Records and Registration |
Create and fill a new tenure-track faculty line.
$2,500.00 / $80,436.38 |
Computer Science and Technology |
(Year 3) Middle States Self-Study - Self-Study Final Report and Self-Study Team Visit
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Institutional Planning Assessment and Research |
Recruitment and retention of faculty
$322,500.00 / $316,000.00 |
Nursing AAS Nursing-Day AAS Nursing-Evening |
Computer lab for testing
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Physical Therapy |
Full Time Tenure Track Chemistry Instructors
$58,240.00 / $58,240.00 |
Science Engineering and Architecture AS Enginerring Science Degree Related Course Offerings General Education |
Cognos collaboration - data and dashboards
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Institutional Planning Assessment and Research |
Full Time Tenure Track Engineering Instructor
$72,816.00 / $72,816.00 |
Science Engineering and Architecture AS Enginerring Science Degree Related Course Offerings General Education |
Enhancement of IR & Assessment Webpages
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Institutional Planning Assessment and Research |
Hiring Replacement Fulltime Tenure Track Faculty Member/Provide faculty development funding for teaching initiatives for current adjunct and fulltime faculty
$83,124.00 / $83,124.00 |
Physical Therapy |
To hire two replacement full-time faculty members to teach Business and other Management coursework.
$120,000.00 / $120,000.00 |
Business AS Accounting AAS Accounting Technician AAS Office Technologies Cert. Accounting Procedures Cert. Clerical Office Assistant AS Business Administration AAS Business Management AAS Medical Office Assistant |
Review current survey process to determine "gaps and greats"
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Institutional Planning Assessment and Research |
To hire a full-time S&C employee to provide support for internships and community outreach
$40,000.00 / $40,000.00 |
Business AAS Accounting Technician AAS Office Technologies AAS Business Management AAS Medical Office Assistant |
Expand Reading/Writing Center hours
$7,000.00 / $7,000.00 |
English |
Add lab stations to the architectural studio. RCSE 301
$6,000.00 / $0.00 |
Science Engineering and Architecture |
To hire a full-time S&C employee to provide support for faculty for the virtual and remote classes.
$40,000.00 / $40,000.00 |
Business AS Accounting AAS Accounting Technician AAS Office Technologies AS Business Administration AAS Business Management AAS Medical Office Assistant |
Explore Sustainability topics
$0.00 / $0.00 |
Science Engineering and Architecture |
Astronomical Observatory
$273,325.00 / $58,325.00 |
Science Engineering and Architecture |